Page 99 of With Wine Comes War

That made more sense to me except Harrison and I didn’t really fight, we played pranks on each other. He wasn’t interested in physical altercations like I was. He always ran to our parents crying, getting me in trouble. Those were easier memories than this was going to be. I think that’s when my mom introduced me to dogs, but that was a bust. I wonder if kickboxing would’ve been good for me back then? I think after the empathy really kicked in, when I was a teen, I no longer wanted to fight anyone anyway, until recently.

I think Jules helped me the most. She put it in a better perspective than anyone else. I don’t think I’ll need another person to distract me. I thanked her and she smiled and went back to her training.

I figured I could look up and watch what was going on now. Maybe not. I just caught the moment that Alex got punched in the face.



Okay, cute asshole.Let’s see what you got. He wasn’t playing around. He came at me and it was everything I could do to fight back. I held my own even when he had me on the ground. I fought my way out and took him down. He was not going to lay another hand on me, and he didn’t.

When Bruce called for us to take a water break, I was so pumped that I couldn’t sit still. I know I got hit a few times out there and slammed to the ground, but I couldn’t feel a thing right now. My insides were vibrating and sweat was pouring off me, but I was ready to go again. I could barely hear what Bruce was saying to me. I think he wanted me to calm down, but I couldn’t.

Then he said something about the case. I needed to calm down so I could hear him. He pulled over a stool and made me sit, directing me to look at him. I tried my best to stay engaged with him as he spoke and I drank the water.

He had his hands on my shoulders again. I think that helps me too. “Deep breaths.” I did what he said, feeling my body start to relax.

“How did that feel?”

Like someone else was in control.

“I don’t really remember what I did or how I did it, I just know that after he took me down for the third time, I wasn’t going to let him do it again.”

Bruce laughed and said, “That’s my girl. That’s exactly how I want you to feel in that courtroom. He’s not going to touch you ever again.”

I smiled at Bruce and asked, “How’s Roman?” I couldn’t get a read on him during the sparring, so I wasn’t sure if he was okay.

He snorted. “I had to restrain him, but I sent Jules over to help out. She’s got a way about her that calms the nerves. All things considered; I think he’s good. I don't think he liked what I had to tell him about this match up, but he understood it.”

Ugh, he’s probably a mess.

“Raphael was mean. You’ve never matched me with him before, did you do that on purpose?”

Bruce nodded. “I had a talk with him before this. I know he can be an asshole, and I told him to get you worked up. I told him not to go easy on you, but not to try and hurt you either. I needed you to push yourself hard. I picked someone about Tanner’s size and made sure he wasn’t afraid to say something nasty to you.”

“Well, it worked. I wanted to tear his head off. That was a lot of anger I didn’t know I had in me.”

“I’m looking forward to hearing what he has to say later about how you did. I know he’d never let another fighter, much less a girl, do to him what you did to him in there. If he says he was going easy on you, he’s lying.”

It didn’t feel like he was taking it easy on me.

“He’s not going to be mad at me, is he?”

He laughed. “He’ll get over it. Don’t let your guard down in this ring for one second.”

Those were Bruce’s words from day one. I guess I forgot for one second and that right hook I just got to the face is going to leave a mark. I finished with some conditioning and punching bag exercises.I did a bit of jumping rope and rope climbing as a cool down. When training was over, Bruce asked me to come over where all the fighters were. They had a good luck card signed for me, and I got a hug from everyone, including Raphael who said, “That motherfucker doesn’t stand a chance against you.”

I was choking back tears as I smiled, nodded and hurried to the front door— walking right past Roman.



Okay I can watch this stuff. Jumping rope, rope climbing and hitting something that won’t hit her back. This I can handle. The guy that was in the ring with her, came over to me and looked me up and down like I was some punk.

He said, “Your girl is dope.” What does that mean?

“Thanks, I think.”