That was very good to hear. She was responsible with the kids around. I can mark that in my research of pros and cons.
When the elevator doors opened, I heard children yelling loudly, “AUNT ALI!!!” They ran right in and found her immediately.
“Hey Roman, are you really ready for all this?” Matt asked with a shit eating grin on his face.
“By the looks of it, it will be like I’m not even here.”
They all laughed, and I ushered them to the bar.
Oh yes! Here they are. My little munchkins. Let’s get the party started. The kids tore off down the hall to check the place out.
Abby asked, “So, what’s it like living together?”
“It’s already had its adjustments, if you know what I mean?” I rolled my eyes.
Maggie seemed to understand, “You mean like now he’s super overprotective rather than whatever that was before?”
“Exactly.” I raised my eyebrows and let out a sigh.
At that moment Jack yelled across the room, “Hey Alex, congratulations!”
Maggie and Abby whip their heads in my direction.
I held my hands up in protective mode. “I was going to wait to tell you on Sunday. It’s not something that congratulations are in order for.”
Abby said, “Well, what the hell is it?” I glared at Roman.
“I agreed to move in permanently.” I mumbled while keeping my eyes locked on his.
Maggie’s mouth hit the floor, “What?Are you togethernow?” I shoved her shoulder.
“Shut up.”
Abby doubled over laughing and said, “This is fabulous news. Are you happy?”
I smiled, taking a sip of wine.
“Yeah, of course or I wouldn’t have done it, right?!”
Now the girls were looking at me like something was up.
I shook my head and said, “Brunch. I have kids to play with.”
Chapter 26
It was a long fun night with the kids. A lot of screaming and pillow fights. We ate pizza then watched a movie while eating popcorn. I didn’t give them any sugar tonight; we were going to need them to go to sleep at some point, but all bets were off tomorrow when we take them to the park. Mom and dad can deal with the sugar high. We played with them until they fell asleep in their makeshift beds. We decided to sleep out on the couch so we could be close in case one ofthem woke up scared, not knowing where they were. They had a lot of fun with Roman. He gave them horsey rides on his back and wrestled with the boys while Soph and I played dress up and did each other’s hair. She wasn’t much for the girlie girl stuff, but sometimes a girl just wants to do girl things. She and I were very alike in that manner. Maggie used to say she should’ve been my kid.
Thank goodness the sofa was so comfortable or that would’ve been a terrible night’s sleep. We didn’t get them to bed until about two in the morning and they were up bright and early, by six. Roman and I got in the kitchen, making breakfast and coffee while the kids washed up, brushed their teeth and changed their clothes.
We were taking them to the park, having lunch and ice cream, then maybe going to the aquarium. I had the day all planned out but if the aquarium was too crowded, I didn’t want to go and have three little excited ones to watch. I’m sure it wouldn’t be a big deal but Roman is in overprotection mode, so I don’t want to make his life more hectic than it needs to be. Maybe the children’s museum would be better.
We got the kids fed then put them in front of the TV for some Saturday morning cartoons while we went to get showered and changed.