Page 32 of With Wine Comes War

“So, how did it go?” Amelia inquired as she stood up and leaned over the desk.

“It was very productive. We all got what we wanted.” All, meaning me, her, Matt, and everyone in Burrow Township.

“How was it?” Harrison strolled up, leaning on Amelia’s desk.

“It was good. She’s going to help with the neighborhood. She asked me if I would give someone a job. It equates to something I was talking about earlier…” I spoke straight to Amelia now, “ …about training people so we have in-house contractors. We need to get on that next week. Do I have anything else as far as meetings go today?”

“No, that was the last one.” She seemed relieved to be done with this day too.

“Good, I don’t have anything either, let’s go have a drink.” Harrison suggested.

Nope, I have a date to get ready for.

“I’m not in the mood to go out.”

“Ok, then we go up to your place. Amelia, are you free right now?” Harrison asked as he winked at her. I looked at Amelia and she shook her head no. Too bad. Now I feel like having that drink.

“You are now, come on up, looks like we’re having happy hour at my place.” Amelia sighed as she grabbed her stuff and we headed up to the penthouse. I’d never hung out with Amelia before. This should be interesting.

I poured Amelia a white wine and Harrison poured himself a bourbon.

“Hey man, pour me one too…” I said as I handed Amelia her drink. “Not like it’s my house or anything.” I said under my breath.

Just make yourself at home.

Amelia sat on the stool at the kitchen island, keeping to herself. “You’re quiet, anything you need to tell me?” She had a surprisingly guilty look on her face.

“Not that I know of, just didn’t expect this today is all.” She muttered.

Harrison chuckled as he handed me a bourbon neat, just the way I like it. “Well, I’m not good with these weird awkward moments so I’m just going to say it…”

Amelia practically shouts as she cuts him off, “Um, yeah, there is actually something.” She sent a dirty look Harrison’s way, “Roman, you clearly haven’t been yourself at the office and I was wondering if you needed me to take on more responsibility as far as meetings go?..” I looked between the two of them curiously. “Also, I’m going to need a list of names of everyone you want me to include in the meeting for the new training-contractors division.” She shot another warning glance at Harrison who was now turning around to hide the smirk on his face as he threw back the rest of his bourbon. He walked over to the bar laughing and poured himself another. This is happy hour, why are we talking about work? Is this the only shit I know about Amelia? And what the hell is going on between them?

“Is that really what you want to talk about? What do you do when you’re not working? I sure as hell hope you’re not worried about me when you’re at home. And Harrison, what the fuck were you about to say that freaked her out so bad?” Harrison’s still laughing andfills up Amelia’s wine and he leans towards her like he’s going to kiss her and she leans away, shaking her head.

She looks at him and says, “You’re such a dick.” Ok, now I’m confused.

What the hell is going on?

“What Amelia would rather you not know for some reason is that she and I are dating…”

No fucking way.

I sat down on the island stool and rested my chin on my hand in shock as Harrison continued. “I mean it’s probably more embarrassing for her than me but you know I’m an open book and not one for hiding shit even at the office. Don’t like to keep secrets. If I feel like kissing her or smacking her ass at the office I don’t want you running to HR or something.” Well I think the shock on my face is mimicking Amelia’s right now. I was not expecting this, that’s for sure.

Amelia’s face flushed a bright red as she mumbled, “Sorry I didn’t tell you about that, but unlike your brother I like to keep my private life private. And no, there won’t be any PDA in the office.” She was staring daggers at Harrison. She crossed her arms while holding her wine. I figure he’s in deep shit right now.

I couldn’t help but laugh. “I guess opposites really do attract.” Harrison leaned in again to kiss Amelia’s cheek and this time she didn’t lean away. They actually looked really happy and good together despite her death stare.

“When did this happen?” It had to be something new. I sat up and patiently waited for the answer. She was looking to Harrison for confirmation.

“Six months ago.” She said while looking at Harrison.What? Seriously?

“Are you fucking kidding me? I’m that clueless? Harrison, why were you taking me out to bars trying to pick up women?” This just blows my mind.

“I wasn’t. I was trying to get you laid. Caitlin really left you in a bad way.” Caitlin is my ex fiance that the family apparently did an intervention on to get rid of for me. “Amelia was there, you just didn’t see her. You either had your face buried in your phone or you were looking for “Ms Kennedy” He threw up air quotes “who I didn’t know about yet.” He glanced quickly to Amelia. I shook my head, thinking if I had known that’s what all those nights out had been about I would’ve never gone out with him. Not saying some of the women I met weren’t worth the one night I spent with them but no one really had the potential to go the distance until Alex. Now, I’m starting to rethink that as well.

“Yep, Amelia is right, you’re a dick!” We all started laughing and I then confessed, “Listen, you two, I have to get ready for dinner. I have a date.” Amelia and Harrison both looked at each other a little worried.