Page 136 of With Wine Comes War

I needed to get up there. My mom grabbed my arm, and someone pushed me up against the wall.

Raphael was right in my face and curled his lip. “Stay the fuck away from that ring. He just used you to distract her. What do you think would happen if you go over there now? Let her work this out. I told you she can take a hit. He ain’t no fighter, he's a weak ass bitch who hits women.”

I was shaking mad now, but he was right, I was only going to distract her more. My mom had tears in her eyes when she saw what had happened. It was everything I could do to look up again and see the rest of this.

Raphael patted my shoulder and said, “Take a deep breath and just watch. I’ve trained her all week.”

I don’t know if that should make me feel better or worse. I knew Raphael didn’t take much pity on his opponent or even his sparring partners. I watched him punch Alex in the face too.

But then she was up and with that eerie look in her eye.

Now, babe, go get him!



Fuck, I think I have a broken rib but smack my ass and we have a real problem. Why is that pissing me off so much right now? I should’ve known he was going to fucking cheat, Bruce didn’t even ring the bell. He’s pleased with himself right now, so that’s a good distraction. I think I heard Harrison ask if I was okay and my brother ask if I was going to let that asshole do that to me.

It’s fine, I’m fine.

I’m not going to let anyone do anything to me. I’m not going to let Tanner touch me ever again.

Tunnel vision was back, and I couldn’t feel any more pain. I stood up and shook myself off. At this point it was just a game. Do I screw with him and make this a good show, or do I take him down fast and fierce? I think a little embarrassment would be good for him. I could taste blood in my mouth, and I looked right at him, as he smiled. I smiled back, wiping the blood away. I tuned out everyone else in this place, it was just me and him now.

I said with a nasty smirk on my face, “So, how did you like my ass for the second time?”

He laughed and said, “I can’t wait to do it again.”

“I bet you can’t, except the next time it will be your ass, and the hand will be attached to a guy in your jail cell named Bubba.” That wiped the smile off his face, and he came at me. I moved just far enough to slap his face and trip him at the same time. He went flying down to the mat and jumped up fast, putting his hand to his face like he couldn’t believe that just happened.

I held both hands out to the side and said, “You like to hit women? Here I am motherfucker, come get me.”

He ran at me again and this time I moved to the side and kicked him right across his stomach. He doubled over. I slapped his ass as hard as I could before pushing him over with my foot. I didn’t take my eyes off him or listen to anything else going on around me. I was going to finish this as soon as he got back up.

He stood and turned around with pure evil intent and said, “I’m going to fuck you right here in the middle of this ring, bitch. In front of all these people including your boyfriend.”

I don’t think so, you sick fuck.

“Oh, you’ll definitely be between my legs, but I don’t think you’ll like it,” I spit out then gave him a wink.

“I’ll definitely like it between your legs. I’ll make sure you can’t walk for a week.”

I laughed. “Do your worst.” I felt sick having this conversation, but I needed to keep him focused.

The last vision of Tanner’s face that I had was when he was coming at me with nothing but pure hatred and violence running through his veins. Then he was on his back, I had both legs wrapped tightly around his arm and neck while pulling his other arm far above his head, listening to the tearing of ligaments and the sound of bone separating from the socket. I could hear the the bell over and over again, and figured he must be unconscious when his pathetic screams stopped. But when I got up and saw his face again, I lost control. I jumped on top of him, straddled his chest and punched him repeatedly. I was so focused and out of control at the same time, I couldn’t stop until someone literally had to remove me. Bruce had his arms wrapped around me and I swear I was fighting him, trying to get free and end Tanner’s life.



Oh shit, I’ve seen the eerie Alex before, but not this one. This one is scary and cold.

Raphael said, “What do you think now?”

“That I’m a little worried for Tanner now.”

He started laughing and my mom decided to go find my dad and sit down. I don’t know what they were saying to each other in the ring, but it didn’t look like Alex was too worried about it.