Page 131 of With Wine Comes War

With a smile on my face I said, “No, your Honor. I’m not going to hold my own. I’m going to win. I’m going to prove that there was never a time where Mr. Ellington could’ve done to me what he did without drugging me. In return I want him to have a five year sentence with no chance of early release on top of all the things he was already assigned.”

I couldn’t get distracted so I didn’t even look in Tanner’s direction, but I could hear him chuckling and whispering to his attorney.

The judge said, “Where shall we have this little brawl, right here on Fountain Square?”

I mean, I would but I don’t think that would be a good idea. Honestly, right here right now in this office is fine but I want him humiliated.

“No, your Honor. The gym where I take kickboxing classes and is also an MMA studio— they have a ring.”

The judge shook his head and said, “I can’t even believe I’m considering this. Mr. Ellington, how do you feel about what Ms. Kennedy is suggesting?”

I knew he would lose points if he said he wanted to do it. No real man wants to hit a woman, and no real man would go along with a man hitting a woman.

Tanner said, “What do I get if I win?”

The judge looked at me wondering the same thing, I’m sure.

“I’ll pay whatever restitution he’s asking for in this lawsuit.”

Tanner was now laughing hysterically.

He choked out, “You’d pay me two million dollars if I beat you up in that ring?”

I turned my head slowly in his direction and glared with the heat of the sun. “Absolutely.”

The judge seemed rather irritated with Tanner as well. “Okay, I’m going to sign this. How much time do you need to prepare for this Ms. Kennedy?”

“Honestly, I’m ready to go right now, but I think Saturday would be best so I can work this week. I have a lot going on with the relocation of an entire community thanks to Tanner and his brother Marcus.”

The judge asked, “The Representative from the Burrow Township district?”

“Yes, your Honor. Marcus revoked a historical preservation assignment to make millions of dollars and didn’t care about the entire community he was displacing.” The judge shot Tanner a glaring look.

“Okay, Saturday at 10:00 am. That will give me time to get there.” I looked at Jack who was trying to be cool about this, but I could tell he wanted to get out of that room because he couldn’t believe this was going to happen. As soon as the judge signed the paper, he handed it to his clerk to get it filed and Jack and I went out to the hall to wait for a copy.

We went out to lunch and talked about what just happened and I told him I wanted this to be a circus.

He said, “I know you’re all pumped up about this, but do you really, in all honesty, think you can win?”

“Jack. I’m betting $2,000,000 that I can.”

Chapter 36


Istayed out of most of the meetings she held this week. After the news of the fight on Saturday, I couldn’t look at her without wanting to kidnap her and run away. What the hell was she thinking? This is insane. Why would a judge agree to something like this? How is this even legal? Well, I’m not watching it, that’s for sure. I don’t care how powerful I make her feel. She’s insane. I know she had an appointment with my mom this week but that wasn’t going to helpdo anything. I need to find out if I can get any information about what was going to happen there. I decided to call Grant.

“Hello, Roman.”

“Grant. Have you heard the news?” He sounded tired.

“Yes. It’s all over the TV and social media.” I shook my head.

I asked, “Why is she doing this?”

“She thinks it’s for the betterment of women. To let them know they aren’t powerless against these predators.”

But why does she have to be the one to do this?