Page 129 of With Wine Comes War

“Do you think I need a head’s up?” Surprises are not my thing lately.

“Probably,” she murmured.

“Ok, what is our very special girl up to?” I sat and listened without saying a word as Maggie told me everything Alex had planned. At least now I know who she was working on this with— it had to be Bruce. I couldn’t believe he would go along with something like this, but he trained fighters, and from what Jules said they all had a past— most of them worse than hers.

“Maggie, you’re right, that’s going to be a real shitshow. I really hope it goes her way.” I agreed as I tried to swallow the lump that now formed in my throat.

There was silence on the other line. “You…you’re not going to try and st..stop her?” She stammered.

I laughed through the frustration. “Seriously? You think anything I say to her will help? She lumps me in with the rest of the men who’ve jilted her.”Why does everyone think she’ll listen to me?

She was sobbing loudly now. “ doesn’t but I understand wh..why you’d feel that way.” That’s when I caught a glimpse of her photos on the shelves in front of the sofa. Oh, dear God help her.

I met mom, dad, Harrison and Amelia at the steps of the church, and we walked in together. I took a deep breath right before I entered, promising every prayer was for Alex until I walked through thosedoors and realized I was there for me. The overwhelming sense of peace that enveloped me was so calming. I knew Alex was in good hands now and so was I. If only I could get her to church maybe she’d see that what she’s doing isn’t what she should be doing. I sat next to mom and put my elbows on my knees, clasping my hands together and bowed my head. I prayed for Alex to find the peace she so desperately needed. I prayed for God to protect her because I couldn’t. Then I prayed that God would guide me; that he would set me on the path I’m supposed to be on, with or without Alex. Mom put her hand on my back, and she left it wrapped around me when I finally picked my head up. I felt the weight of the world lifted from my shoulders. I was carrying way too much. I know I was going to have to see her on occasion with all the projects we had going on together, but I knew I could handle it now. It wouldn’t be easy seeing her but knowing that I’ve officially left it up to God will make it easier. I still think she’s special and is going to do great things. It just might not be with me and I’m okay with that. After church I texted her.



No brunch Sunday. What am I going to do with my morning then? I guess I can get a jumpstart on the meetings for this week coming up. I can go to the grocery store, I definitely needed to do that. Maybe I’ll sit and read this ridiculous lawsuit again. No, better not do that, I needed to relax.Getting out of my head is what would be best. The gym is my go-to distractor.

Thankfully, the gym in my building wasn’t crowded. I even got to swim laps and had the sauna all to myself. It was so relaxingin the warm dry air— I felt a sense of peace wash over me. It reminded me of how I felt when I was wrapped in Roman’s arms. For once I’m glad he doesn’t have to deal with me anymore, though. I’m shocked it lasted that long. The feeling that overcame me was probably finally accepting Roman and I weren’t meant to be.

I checked my messages before I got in the shower. There was one text.

ROMAN: “I went to church this morning. I prayed for you.” I smiled knowing where that peace came from, now.

ME: “I think I knew.”


I was in Jack’s office at 9:00 am Monday morning to go over the countersuit.

“I managed to get a meeting with the judge for you to plead your case in his office rather than in a courtroom, since we all know it’s ridiculous.” I can’t believe it even made it out of the clerk’s office to be honest.

“When is that?”

He laughed and said, “He thinks the lawsuit is nuts and wants to throw it out immediately, so he’d like to see us all ASAP.” Hopefully the judge will let me talk.

“Does he have time right now?”

“He told me to bring you in as soon as you got here.”

That’s what I want before I’m too nervous to say what I needed to.

“Good, let’s get this over with.”

We got to the judge’s chambers and Jack whispered in my ear, “Tanner’s here too. I don’t want you losing it or doing what you didin that courtroom here.” I could feel my pulse in my eyes again just knowing he was nearby. I took a couple of deep breaths before I responded.

“I promise I’m only going to sit there and let you do the talking. Please ask him for everything I told you to.”

“The judge is going to want to talk to you. I want you to be respectful and not take an attitude with him. If you want things to go your way you have to ask nicely.”

I was biting my lip because I was just ready to rip this guy's head off, but I knew Jack was right and I had to make this happen before I could do that. I took another deep breath.

“I promise.” I balled my hands into fists to hold in the tension as much as I could.

“Then I promise to ask for everything you want.” He reached over and patted my shoulder before entering the judge's chamber.