Page 128 of With Wine Comes War

“Oh yeah, and how do you plan to do that?” He snapped. I think I broke Jack.

“By taking it to the ring. I want to fight him fair and square. Prove that he absolutely needed to drug me to overpower me. Prove that I could not only take him down but neutralize the threat.” They were all looking at each other like I was crazy. Abby and Maggie’s mouths were on the floor.

Jack said, “How in the hell do you think we can make that happen?”

“Petition whatever judge is going to throw this bullshit out. I want to have stipulations that say when I win, he gets five years for whathe did and no chance of early release. There will be no rules for the fight. No one gets in trouble for any injuries caused and no one can step in to help unless someone is rendered unconscious— then that ends the fight anyway. If he wins, he can get whatever he’s asking for monetarily in this lawsuit.” Maggie and Abby’s mouths were still on the floor and Matt was turned around trying not to laugh.

Jack raised his voice more than normal. “Do you really think a judge will go for something like that? This isn’t the movies, Alex. This is real life. Judges don’t allow fighting to the death as acceptable alternatives to court proceedings.”

“I also want the media there. I want it to be a fucking zoo.”

He yelled, “Alex, did you fucking hear me?” I smiled thinking I’ve never heard Jack yell before much less use the word, "fucking".

“Yes Jack. I hear you. I see you. I know what you’re saying but this is what I need you to do for me. If you can't, I’ll get someone who can. I only need a body in the room with me that calls themselves an attorney to do this because this lawsuit is shit. I just need to be able to plead my case. He’s an arrogant asshole who would love a chance to beat up a woman and I want to give him that chance.”

He looked terrified at the prospect of not at least trying to protect me— probably from myself.

He said, “Alex, the guy is twice your size. Do you really think you can win this?” There is nothing else that I’ve wanted to do since this whole thing happened. So yes, I think I can win this.

“No doubt in my mind.” He let out a sigh as his head fell forward. Matt and Jack were like brothers to me, and this could not make them feel good at all.

“Fine. I’m going to take this on. Meet me on Monday at my office and we’ll go over the details. No more talking right now.”

Maggie screamed, “Are you crazy?”

I said, “We’ll find out soon enough I guess.” I didn’t want to get into a fight with my friends. I just wanted this over with.

Abby mumbled through tears, “Alex, the guys don’t want us hanging out with you, you know brunch and kickboxing, until you figure this out.” I smiled as the tears welled up in my eyes, but I had a feeling this was coming.

“I figured that might happen, it’s okay. I need some time to focus on this.”

Maggie went to reach for my arm but I politely moved out of her reach and she asked, “What does Roman think of all this?”

I winked and said, “Roman who?”

I saw the sad eyes again. I felt the tears getting ready to fall so I hugged the girls fast and got the hell out of there.



Let go and let God. My new mantra, I guess. The penthouse wasn’t the same without her in it. At least it was quiet. That gave me the perfect opportunity to sit quietly and talk to God for the first time in, I don’t know how long. I just needed him to watch over her and if it was meant to be it was meant to be.

My phone was ringing. Maggie’s name was scrolling across the screen. Maybe it’s just Matt from Maggie’s phone.

“Hello.” Maggie sounded like she was crying.

She sniffled and whispered through sobs, “Roman, she’s lost her mind.” I just looked up and thought,“Good luck up there, God.”

I sympathetically responded, “Maggie, she needs to figure this out on her own.”

“Do you know what she’s getting ready to do?”

No idea.

“Nope and I don’t know if I want to. She moved out. I told her I need space from her craziness.”

Maggie laughed and said, “Smart man. Doubt you’d be able to watch this shitshow. If you really don’t want me to tell you I won’t, but if she gets her way, you’ll find out.”