I turned abruptly back to dad and said, “That explains Grant, but what about the Santoros? Mom didn’t seem to know them.” Mom came and sat next to me and put her arm around me. What is she trying to protect me from? Information or myself?
“Roman, what’s with all the questions about these people? The Santoros funded the projects for Grant. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any of them. I was surprised to see them at Alex’s hearing. They told me you were doing the renovations on their winery. I thought that was great that they brought business back to King Construction.”
That seemed legit. I didn’t need to hear that my dad was part of some secret underworld life. I couldn’t handle any more of this craziness. I wanted my normal, boring life back. I had a feeling I was never getting that again, though.
“Sorry dad. Sorry Harrison. I need to go for a walk and get some air.” No point in trying to open this can of worms up right now.
I somehow made my way to the swings and sat down. I didn’t even realize mom followed me back there.
“I’m losing it, aren’t I?” I said as she sat in the swing next to me. She chuckled.
“How could you not lose it a little? This has been a rollercoaster ride for you, honey.”
“Why was she the one? Why did I choose the one who pushed me away and put herself in harm's way? Does that really sound like something I’d do?” She reached out and grabbed my hand. I tried to breathe deeply so I didn’t get angry, but all I wanted to do was punch something.
“Why do you think you chose her?”
Because I’ve lost my fucking mind, that’s why.
“Besides the obvious, beautiful, smart, successful…I guess because she wasn’t like the rest of them.” She’s not like anyone I’ve ever met. She’s like a fucking drug.
“And what do the rest of them look like to you?”
“Needy and superficial.” Easy and safe.
“What did Alex have that they didn’t?” The interrogation swings are in full force now.
“She was independent. She clearly doesn’t need me or anyone else for that matter, maybe to a fault. She told it like it is from her point of view, anyway. She was just real.” I ran my hands down my face.
“Real isn’t perfect, Roman. Real can get ugly. Real can hurt. But it’s also genuine and what you see is what you get. We all have skeletons in our closet. Demons that we’re fighting that sometimes we keep to ourselves, so we don’t burden others. It doesn’t mean it will be easy knowing that, it just means sometimes we must make sacrifices in order to deal with those demons. It’s best to fight demons with angels. I’m glad you're coming to church with us tomorrow.”
I guess Alex was going to have to figure out a way to fight her demons without me. I guess all I can do is pray she finds an angel to help her fight them.
Chapter 35
Igot to the kitchen and looked around for the kids, but they were nowhere I could see. I was hoping they would be because I could use some of their calm energy right now. I’m guessing since this wasn’t a normal social visit it’s probably a good thing they aren’t. I felt all these judgmental eyes on me but for now I had to tune it out.
“Where is it?” I asked not wanting to fake pleasantries. Abby looked at me and cameover, giving me a hug.
She whispered in my ear, “Are you okay?”
I hugged her back and nodded. Matt handed me the summons and it was exactly what I’d been hoping for. He was suing me for defamation.
I looked between Matt and Jack. “Is this a joke?” I shouted as I flailed the paper with my hand.
“No and it will never make it into a courtroom.” Jack was doing most of the talking.
Maggie and Abby looked confused, and I shook my head and started laughing, “What sane person would sue someone for saying they could beat them up? That they wouldn’t need drugs to have sex with them, that they could overpower them. It even calls me a little girl with a big mouth.” I was now laughing hysterically.
Matt and Jack weren’t laughing when Jack said, “He’s trying to bankrupt you, Alex. He can play this game until you have nothing left.” I laughed again and had that moment of clarity and calm.
“I don’t think so.” I simply stated while staring right at Jack.
Jack said, “How do you plan to stop him?”
“By proving what I said was true.” Sounds easy enough.