He laughed but it wasn’t a funny, ha ha laugh, it was more pissed off than that.
“You forgot already, huh?” He stopped laughing and spit out with irritation as he continued, “You’ve been served.” Okay this is what I’ve been waiting for.
“Oh that. What does it say?” I was chewing my lip trying to prepare myself for what I was about to hear.
“I think you should come over and we can go over it with Jack. I’m not going to be able to represent you on this one because of my political involvement but Jack said he’d do it. And Alex, this is going to cost you.” It’s already cost me.
“I’ll be over in about an hour, okay?” I stared blankly at the wall trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever this was.
“Sounds good. Alex, I’m sorry about all of this. You didn’t deserve any of it, but I don’t think what you did was helpful at all.”
“Thanks for everything you’ve done Matt. You know I appreciate and love you all.” Please just tell me I haven’t lost them.
“I know. We love you too.” That’s what I needed tohear.
When I got there, I was scared. I didn’t really feel like I would have the support I needed to do this from my friends and family, so I needed to make a quick call to get my strength back.
The phone rang and Bruce picked up, “Hey Alex. How are you?”
“I’m nervous. What I wanted to happen has happened, and I don’t think my friends or family are going to support any of it.” I knew they weren’t. Roman breaking up with me was proof of that.
“I already told you we’ve got your back here. Call me when you know.” Thank God for the gym or I don’t know if I’d be able to do this.
“Thank you, Bruce.” I took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door. Maggie answered it and immediately hugged me.
“I don’t know what to say Alex.” I got some distance, wiping the tears from my face as I left her with a faint smile before walking past her to the kitchen where Matt and Jack were waiting with the summons.
I don’t think she was prepared for me to be the one to do that. I didn’t want to let her go but I knew I had to. If she and I were meant to be together we would be, but I can’t help her with whatever she’s got going on in her head. I wish I could but apparently the damage is bad. Even my mom can’t fix her. I managed to tell her I loved her and to always remember that, and then she was gone. Letting go and letting God is harder than it looks but I know it’s the right thing to do. I welcomed the quality time with my family right now and tried not to worry about Alex. I had hoped I left her in good hands with Grant and his protection squad.
I got to my parents’ house and headed straight out back where everyone was having cocktails before dinner. I tried to pull myself together before I went out there, but I knew mom was going to feel it all, so I didn’t even bother. I went straight to the bar, poured a bourbon and drank it like a shot. Then I poured another one and sat down. I took a deep breath before I even looked up at anyone and finally said, “Hey.”
Mom was the first to say something. She said, “Hi, honey.” Harrison, Amelia and my dad all said hello, then they went back to talking to each other like I wasn’t there. Is this how it’s going to be now? I’m going to be invisible with nothing to say because I’m obsessing over this girl? Screw this.
I abruptly confronted my father, “Dad, how do you know Grant and the Santoros?” Everyone’s head popped up quickly. I’m so pissed about all the secrets.
He answered without hesitation, “I did some work for Grant about ten years ago, why?” I know who they are, so what fucking work did he do for them?
“What kind of work?” I snapped. I don’t think he liked my tone.
“What kind of work do you think?” His face was a little angrier than I was expecting and it felt like he was hiding something.
“I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking.” I was in such a bad mood, and I was sick of all these secrets and surprises.
“Son, I built him a restaurant and a real estate office. What’s going on with you?” He’s going with the most obvious answer then— bullshit. Why didn’t I know about this? I’ve worked with dad for a long time and even before I worked there, I was with him at the office a lot.
“How did I not know this?” I accused him of hiding information from me.
“Why would you know this? You didn’t work for me ten years ago. You don’t know every job I’ve ever done or know every person I’ve ever met.”
I’m being such an asshole right now, but his tone is frustrated and irritated with me. I know there’s more going on.
Harrison yelled, “Chill out, dude.”
I lashed out and spat, “Fuck you, Harrison.”