“That I was going to stand up for myself." I threw my arms down to my sides aggressively— fists clenched tight. "This is my life, not the rules of the court. I don’t care if they fine me or arrest me. I’m going to say what I have to say to that asshole. Everything I said was the truth. Just because no one liked the words I used doesn’t make it any less true.” I snapped back.
Jack was more controlled but still loud as he threw his arms in the air. “Well, you have a $500 fine to pay and you’re lucky that’s all. The DA is going to talk to the judge and claim PTSD or something.”
Who gives a fuck about $500?
“I don’t care about the fine, like I said.” I was calmer now, stretching out my fingers as I looked at the nail marks in my palms.
“Well, you may have screwed up your case. Tanner could get off on a technicality,” Jack informed me. I laughed. I never thought he was going to get charged with anything in the first place.
“What technicality? Hurt feelings? Emasculation? If he gets off it’s because his brother got him off. The doctors can attest to the drugs in my system. Bruce can attest to his assault. Steve can attest to the fact that I was drinking water that night. I’m going to make sure the bastard goes to jail.” My breathing was so labored that I could barely catch my breath, and I was still seeing red.
Matt looked at me like I was crazy. “Oh yeah? How’re you going to do that? They may never let you testify again!”
Yep, don’t fucking care about that either.
“I don’t want to testify again. Don’t need to.” I crossed my arms with an indignant look on my face. I needed to get out of this room and away from Tanner is what I needed. Part one is done. I needed air and space.
“Alex, what are you up to?” Matt gently took my arm, turning me toward him.
I shook my head, trying to contain the tears that I knew were starting to pool in the corner of my eyes as the adrenaline was beginning to filter out. “I’ll tell you when I ask you to represent me.” I managed to choke out.
Jack looked at me confused and stated the obvious, “We represent you now, Alex.”
“As a defendant.” I whispered. They looked at each other with more worry than concern.
“Alex, please tell me you aren’t planning on doing something stupid.” Matt inquired anxiously.
Doesn't get much stupider than this, I thought.
“Don’t you think I already have? The ball’s in his court now.” I blinked away the tears before they could fall. The confused look on their faces was going to have to stay that way until the time comes.
The DA came back over and said, “The judge is sympathetic to you Alex, but you made a mockery of his courtroom and he’s angry about that. He told the attorneys that he’s going to recommend five years if it goes to trial unless we can come to a plea agreement now. But he said if it goes to trial and you pull something like what you just pulled, you’d be removed from the courtroom, and you wouldn’t get to defend yourself and he’d get off. Knowing that, how do you feel about him taking a plea?”
“What’s the plea? If he’s not going to get five years, what’s he going to get?” I needed to know what the options were before this would really work.
He said, “He’ll get one year. He’ll probably serve six months and do community service. He’ll need to enter a rehabilitation program for sex offender’s and register on the national sex offender’s list.”
Even though I wanted to say he could go fuck himself, I didn’t want to go through a trial and that was exactly what I was looking for. I wanted him to come after me, one way or another. I know he will too. I could see it in his eyes. I heard him say he could’ve fucked me up and then fucked me to his brother. The only focus I had in that courtroom was on him. I had tunnel vision on him alone and I zoned in on his every word. I could feel his anger and his vengeance. That’s all those two seem to know. I got out of my head for a second, looked square at the DA and replied, “Yes, offer him the deal.”
Chapter 33
I’m so sick of waiting. Where are they already? What the hell's going on in there? I wonder if she got arrested or attacked Tanner. I know I wanted to. I paced the floor away from everyone so I could think but without knowing what was happening in there it was like torture.
Momand dad came over and dad put his arm around my shoulder and commented, “You’re going to have your hands full with that one.”
I laughed sardonically. “I don’t know what I have with her right now. She did this all on her own. Should I be worried?” I turned toward my mother for the answer to that.
“I don’t know." She genuinely seemed oblivious to Alex's demeanor in the courtroom. "She seems like one of those mama bears. She’s sweet and gentle with those she loves but she will protect her pack at all costs. I don’t think she’s as out of control as everyone seems to think she is.” Protecting her pack? She's not protecting anyone. This is revenge shit.
“What pack is she supposedly protecting? This was all about her and getting revenge.” Mom put her hand on my arm while gently shaking her head. I know she’s been talking to Alex more than I have and I’m sure she knows more about what’s going on in her head than I do.
“No, honey, it wasn’t. Her pack is women. She did that to protect women.” That's exactly what she said to me in the conference room before she took the stand. I never thought of it that way. She does get very possessive of her friends, especially her female friends.
The courtroom door opened, and Matt came out followed by Alex, Jack, and the DA.
Alex had a smile on her face and asked, “Roman, did you bring your wallet? I’ll pay you back.” Everyone started laughing and I grasped her, drawing her to me where I inhaled her vanilla scent to try and calm myself.