Page 120 of With Wine Comes War

Maggie whispered again, “I know that, but look at her face. She hasn’t blinked once, since he started asking her questions.”

I shook my head and shrugged. it looked like one of her eerie calm faces or something Bruce taught her, maybe.

Attorney: “Ms. Kennedy. Isn’t it true that you’ve slept with so many men in Sebastian’s you can’t even remember some of their names?” She finally blinked, making a face like she was thinking about what to say. I was glad to see a little more relaxation in her features. I realized I was sitting up on the edge of my seat now.

Alex: “I don’t know, maybe. Is that what you expect me to say? You know that’s a good question though, but honestly the answer is no. I remember names very well. It's one of my many talents.” That’s my girl, I knew she was in there, but where’s she been?

Attorney: “Ms. Kennedy, please just answer yes or no.” I caught Matt whip his head up from the paper he was looking at on the desk in front of him and slowly shake his head at Alex, who was staring right at the attorney like a target.

Alex: “Don’t ask me dumb questions and I will.”

Uh oh. Matt turned to face us with a surprised expression, looking like something wasn’t right.

Judge: “Ms. Kennedy, there was no question. Please refrain from speaking unless there’s a question. Counsel, proceed.”

Attorney: “Ms. Kennedy, isn’t it true that you and my client, Mr. Ellington, have already had sexual relations and you just didn’t know his name?” The room went quiet except for Alex.

Oh, shit what’s she doing?

She’s laughing.

Chapter 32


Sexual relations?He grabbed my ass, and I crushed his balls! That’s what he calls sexual relations. I couldn’t help it, I laughed, full on belly laughed. All the questions this guy was asking were so stupid. My dad already left the courtroom, so I don’t care anymore how bad this gets.

I hissed, this time while looking straight at Tanner exactly as my counsel instructed me not to do to fuel the anger. “Sexualrelations? Is this a joke? He grabbed my ass in a crowded bar. I grabbed his balls and dropped his pathetic ass to his knees and listened to him cry like a fucking baby.”

It got loud in the courtroom and the judge started hitting his gavel. I was chewing my bottom lip so hard I thought it might be bleeding. I calmed myself down enough to release it.

The judge quickly turned to me and sternly warned, “Ms. Kennedy, you will not use that kind of language in my courtroom. Now if you need a minute, let me know and we can take a recess but do not continue using that kind of language or I will hold you in contempt.”

I took a deep breath and gained some of my composure back.

“I’m sorry your honor…" I looked to the judge for just a second "…I won’t do it again. I apologize.” I mean I wouldn’t laugh again, probably.

The judge said, “Let’s continue.” I returned my focus to Tanner to see he wasn’t smiling anymore, which made me smile.

Attorney: “Ms. Kennedy, are you admitting you assaulted my client?”

Whatever the little pussy wants to call it, I guess.

“I’m saying I defended myself from any further assault on my person.” I corrected the attorney as I cocked my head, thinking how could someone ever defend a piece of shit like Tanner.

Attorney: “Just answer yes or no please.”

“Yes or no, please!”You get what you give, fucker.

Matt jumped up and barked, “I object your honor, the question has already been asked and answered. She already said she grabbed the defendant by his testicles.” Matt winked at me and rolled his eyes because he knew he couldn’t stop anything that I was about to do but he could at least help a girl out. The judge said sustained and the questions continued.

Attorney: “Ms. Kennedy, the night you were allegedly drugged, isn’t it true that you actually have a drinking problem, and you were just drunk and since you had already had a sexual encounter with the defendant, you willingly went into a private room with him and were engaging in an aggressive sexual act?”

I wish I couldn’t feel my heart beating in my eyes right now. How do I get control of this? I honestly felt like attacking him right now. Concentrate. Move, countermove.Get a grip Alex.Take a deep breath this is it. Don’t look at Roman.

“No. I’ve never had a sexual encounter with Mr. Ellington. I was assaulted by Mr. Ellington after he put drugs in my water. I was drinking water that night. If I do have a drinking problem, however, I’m pretty sure I would never drink enough alcohol to go home with a pathetic loser like Tanner Ellington. Plus, alcohol doesn’t put you in a coma. Doctors are generally smart enough to know when someone has alcohol in their system, and they still haven’t identified what it was he used on me. On top of that, he’s such a pussy that he had to drug me to force sex on me. Tanner would never have been able to do that to me unless he drugged me. I would’ve kicked his fucking ass. Even if I slept with everyone in Sebastians or everyone in the town for that matter, I still never would’ve wanted to sleep with a pathetic rapist like Tanner Ellington.”

I guess I never heard the judge or anyone else for that matter because Matt and Jack were both up at the stand telling me to shut up.