Page 116 of With Wine Comes War

“Someone tipped off the press that you were not the victim, that Tanner was.” Jack's voice was calm and reassuring even as he said those words.

Oh lord, I’m going to hyperventilate.

“I can only guess who started that bullshit. What does that mean, now?” My voice however was not. I realized I had a death grip on Roman’s sleeve. I looked up at him, taking a deep breath and released his arm. He put a hand on my back, and I know he was just trying to calm me down but I’m not sure anything is going to be able to do that for me today. I’m going to have to get a grip before all hell breaks loose.

Matt reacted sternly. “Nothing. It means keep your mouth shut when we walk in the building no matter what they ask or say to you, do you understand me?” He sounded pissed but Jack and Matt knew me as well as their wives, how I would react to getting harassed.

“Alex, we’re serious this is not going to be the time for you to tell anyone how you feel, that’s what the courtroom is for.” I'm sure Jack was trying to figure out how to diffuse the tension that builds between Matt and myself since the deposition.

I was gritting my teeth when I said, “I hear you loud and clear. No telling anyone to fuck off.” I shook my head, leaving my phone there as I stormed across the room to get some air and think. I heard Roman say thanks to the guys, then hung up the phone.

As he was walking toward me, I addressed my fears. “I knew this was going to get worse, I just knew it. He’s such a piece of shit.” I was pacing back and forth— the nausea was creeping in.

“Matt and Jack are right. We just go into the building and ignore the media. You can say everything you need to say in the courtroom.” Roman tried to be as comforting as possible. I mindlessly nodded myhead ruminating over the plan of what I was actually going to do to that son of a bitch in there.

“If this is all over the news, what’s going to happen to my business? This is insane. If they make shit up about me for ratings or to sell news, everything I’m trying to do for those residents will get destroyed.” That’s my biggest fear. Everything I’ve worked so hard for, ruined.

“That’s not going to happen. Those people know you.” Roman tried to reassure me but my focus was elsewhere.

“Well, what about the investors?” They sure as hell don’t know me but they will soon enough. I’m sure I’ll be known as the loose cannon after this.

“They know me and Harrison. They don’t care about shit like this, I promise.”

I was trying to stay calm but all the yoga and meditation this morning was washed clear from my veins and replaced with anxiousness and fury.

“Court is at nine. What time is it now?”Time to get this over with.

“It’s eight.”

“We should leave soon and get there early. I have to let everyone know what’s going on out there, so they’re not blindsided.”

I called my brother to let him know about the reporters. I told him to maybe come in a little later with dad, but he said they were already on their way. He didn't seem to concerned.

Roman was driving so I decided to call the girls to get some motivation and text Shay and update her on the situation in front of the courthouse.

ALEX: “Hey girl, just a heads up that there are reporters outside the courthouse. Don’t talk to them, just come on in.”

SHAY: “Thanks. Are you hanging in there?”

ALEX: “Doing just fine, girl. See you soon.” I hated to lie to her, but it helped me lie to myself as well.

I called the girls on a three way.

Maggie said, “Hey, girl!”

Abby said, “Alex, you’ve got this.”

I laughed and said, “Maggie, I’m going to need you to stomp the fuck out of the eggshells right now.” I needed as much fuel as I could get for this showdown.

Maggie obliged, “In that case, good morning, Jerkface. We’re on our way.”

I said, “Thank you girls. I wanted to make sure you knew about the reporters outside the courthouse.”

Abby said, “We know. The asshole wanted to make trouble. Marcus apparently did it trying to feed the flames.”

It was Marcus too huh? Nice. I just shook my head hoping Roman didn’t get too upset about it.

“Let’s get this over with.” I said trying to end the conversation.