He didn’t laugh and said with a rather irritated tone, “Really?” I guess being called Harry really does bother him.
“Sorry, what’s going on?”
“Do you want to come to dinner at mom and dad’s house?” That’s right, we missed dinner at their house this weekend.
“Not tonight. Alex wants to stay in and relax. The calm before the storm, you know?” I think I needed the calm as well.
“How are the two of you doing, anyway?”
“I think we’re good. For once.” So far, anyway.
“Are you going to be calm in the courtroom on Tuesday?” Probably not.
“That I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like I’m going to be fine, and other’s I think she’s got something up her sleeve that she isn’t telling me.”
“What do you mean? What could she possibly have going on that you don’t know about?” No telling. Especially when it comes to her.
“That’s a good question, but she said something to me one night that I can’t get out of my head. Granted she was drunk at the time, but something about it’s been bothering me ever since.”
“What did she say?” Maybe Harrison can help me get over this.
“She said she had something planned that I wasn’t going to like.”
“You did say she was drunk when she said it, right?” Everyone keeps telling me it’s nothing, but I know it’s not nothing.
“I know, but I just have a feeling it’s more than that.”
“Well, did you talk to her about it?”
“I did and she assured me that it was nothing. She said it could’ve been anything.”
He laughed. “I don’t doubt it with that one.”
It could be anything, or it could be something. That’s what bothered me so much; the something part.
“I’ll be in the office tomorrow, so let’s talk about Texas and a couple new projects I want to get started on. I’m going to need some investor help on one of them.” He sounded excited and we said goodbye.
Chapter 30
That was a nice relaxing night but now it’s time to get to the gym and get this day over with.
Hmmm, Roman beat me out of bed this morning. He must be out in the kitchen making coffee or our pre-workout drinks.
I headed out to the kitchen in just a tee shirt, and I screamed when I opened the door. There was a small woman, about fifty years old or so, with a vacuum in thehall.
I started laughing and went over and hugged her and said, “Oh my goodness you scared me. You must be Mary.” She looked a little frightened and taken aback by the hug and shook her head.
“Yes, you must be Alex.” She stepped around me still holding the vacuum.
“That’s me. I’m sorry if I scared you. Roman didn’t tell me you started so early.”
“I always start around seven.” I shook my head thinking it couldn't be after seven and marched out to the kitchen to find out what was going on.
He was already dressed and ready for work.
“Did you turn my alarm off again? You’ve got to stop doing that.”Why is he so controlling?