Page 106 of With Wine Comes War



We must’ve gone into ten different stores, and it wasn’t until the last one that I found what I was looking for. It was a dark gray pantsuit with a white collared bodysuit underneath. I found some gray closedtoed heels to go with it. I don’t know what the gray represented, maybe a storm, because I was planning to bring a storm with me.

When we got home, I realized I’d never unpacked. I’m wondering, now, if I shouldn’t just wait on that one. I did, however, hang my suit up in the closet. One lonely suit in a huge closet. Looked symbolic to me and sad— very sad.

Roman got out his laptop and sat at the kitchen island to go through his emails to see what he needed to prepare for as far as meetings go tomorrow and I had some phone calls to make. I think I should take the day off.

I called Shay and told her I wasn’t going to the office tomorrow. I told her she could still work from the real estate office if she wanted and if there was anything she thought Darius could be doing with her to go ahead and put him to work. She said that was fine and that she’d see me on Tuesday. I wondered who else was going to be there. That’s when I decided to call my father.

“Hi dad.”

“Hi Ali Marie. What are you up to today?”

He sounded fine, so that’s good.

“Nothing, just calling to ask if you were going to be at the hearing Tuesday.”

There was silence on his end of the line before he said, “I’m going with Edward. He said he wanted to be there.” Now he didn’t sound fine.

“Well, don’t let him get all worked up in there.” I knew dad was the one I was going to be worried about.

He laughed and said, “No promises. I’m not too sure how I’m going to be in there when I see that asshole.”

“You and half the room, I’m sure. I can’t imagine he’s going to have a lot of support in there compared to me.”

Dad said, “Good, I’m glad you don’t have to do this alone.” We said goodbye and I called my brother.

“Hey.” Edward answered like he was expecting my call.

“Hey, I just talked to dad. He said you’re coming Tuesday. Do you know if Patrick is as well?”

“He said he can’t do it. Doesn’t want to hear what happened to you.”

I figured as much. Not that he’s sensitive, but he gets emotional and has a bad temper— an outburst would be likely.

“I don’t even know what happened to me other than what people told me.” The information itself sets my brain on fire.

“I’m sure someone’s going to have things to say about what happened, and it’s not going to be comfortable for anyone.”

I nodded to myself. “I’m sure you’re right.”

“How are you doing? Are you feeling good about Tuesday?”

“I am. I have so much support and I’ve been training hard to control my mind and not let Tanner get to me in there. I want to warn you that they’re going to say some things to try and make this my fault. I couldn’t say anything to dad about it, but it’s not going to be pretty.”

“I’m sure they are. I hope you don’t let it screw with your head.” He was very encouraging.

“Not a chance, but make sure you give dad a head’s up. Let him know that it’s all bullshit and political theater to try and get Tanner off.”

“I’ll do my best. If dad leaves the courtroom, don’t let it bother you though.”

I nodded again and felt a tear trickle down my cheek. If my dad leaves the courtroom, it’s because his heart just broke.

“Right.” I said over the lump in my throat. We hung up and I took a deep breath as arms wrapped around my waist and I felt Roman’s head rest on my shoulder.
