Page 104 of With Wine Comes War

There it is, that annoying alarm clock. She reaches over and turns it off.

“Would you mind if we set that for 6:00, at least, on the weekends, instead of five?” Considering I practically just went back to sleep, I could use another hour.

She said rather dismissively, “I would mind. I like my routine, and I like waking up at five.”

“Fine,” I mumbled, and pulled the pillow over my head.

“Are you going to the gym this morning?” I moaned, hopefully loud enough for her to hear me.

“No, but I am going running. Would you care to join me?” Finally, she invites me to go on a run, and I don’t want to, but I’m not letting her go alone.

“Absolutely, I would love to.” I rolled onto my back and mashed the pillow to my face as I mouthed “fuck” into it.

“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before…Mr. Club guy.” She laughed as she pulled the pillow off my face, lightly hitting me with it.

We ran down to the river with earbuds in, turning them off as we got to the river walk.

“Is it as pleasant going running with me as it is going alone?” I put my arm around her shoulder, pulling her close, kissing her temple.

“I think it is. How do you like it?”

Of course, I loved anything that had to do with her. There were not too many things I wanted to do without her. She was the one who liked to be alone.

“I mean, it’s fine, but I could think of better people I’d like to go running with.”

“Is that so?” She shoved me off the path. I pulled her to me, kissing her lips as she tried unsuccessfully to push me away.

“So, do you want to swing for a minute? I have something to talk to you about.” I figured I’d get this conversation over with now since I was tired and needed to sit.

She stopped smiling and said, “Is this serious?”

“Maybe, but probably not too serious.” For me and everyone else it wasn’t serious at all, but for her it could be. She’s a little dramatic when it came to her friends.

She had a worried look on her face. “What?”

“No one wanted to bug you this morning or make a big deal about it, but Matt asked me if it would be okay if we all went to brunch today. It would be kind of a get together before the hearing to show our support. The girls wanted me to ask if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Really? I think it would be great. I love the support from everyone, and I feel like I could use it before…”

Before what? There she goes again being cryptic. Maybe she’s secretly related to Grant or something. So secretive.

She was looking down at the ground, swinging her feet. “Alex, before what?”

She popped up and quickly deflected, “Oh nothing, just before I have to see him again.” Hmmm, that didn’t sound like what she was really going to say. I’m getting that strange

feeling back again.



During our run I thought about the dream I had last night. I need a vacation. Sitting on the beautiful sandy beach with a crystal-clear ocean in front of me, a good book and always a bottle of water. Why not a bottle of wine or vodka? HA!HA! Well, it’s just a dream. In my real life trips to the beach, there is definitely wine and vodka.

“Roman, did the girls get a table for six this morning?” I asked, thinking how we had a standing reservation for three and they booked up quickly at that time.

“I think Maggie did just in case you said yes.” Why wouldn’t I say yes unless they were afraid of my reaction?

“Good. Do I seem really fragile to you?” He put his arm around me, pulling me close.