“It doesn’t feel like a sacrifice to me,” he said.
“It doesn’t make it any less of one,” she said. “Let’s back up. We’ve both said we are sorry. You asked Electra to step up. What is the next step? I’m only asking so I know. Not that I’m going to bolt. I’m going to be supportive and I want you to see that.”
“I do see it,” he said. “I put it out there for Electra. She could easily say she wants time away from Ty to figure it out and see how she feels. He might be hurt. He might not understand.”
“Or he might not think much of it at all,” she said. “Don’t put thoughts and words into your brain without knowing. I’m positive you will do whatever you can to get him to understand the best way possible.”
“I will,” he said. “Would you be okay with the fact I might have him full time?”
“Of course,” she said. “I think Ty is a great kid. We don’t spend a lot of time together as it is. I know you’d try to at least keep some of that time even if it was with Ty.”
“I would. I will. I’d like it if you would or could spend the night with him there. Maybe start slow.”
Which felt like an olive branch he was offering and it helped a lot.
“I’d like that too,” she said.
“Then we can plan on it Saturday if you’d like.”
“I would,” she said. “Are we all good now?”
“I hope so,” he said. “Ty asked if he was going to see you again. I told him he would.”
“And you wouldn’t want to lie to your son,” she said, bumping her shoulder into his. “Remember, I’m pretty tough. It’s going to take more than one fight to lose me.”
“Good,” he said. “I know we’ll fight again. People do. I don’t expect it to be perfect and have to remind myself I can’t shield Ty from those things, because you’re right, it’s not good for him or for us.”
“I’m glad there is still an us,” she said, leaning up to kiss him.
“Me too,” he said. “I love you.”
And because he didn’t say it often but said it at the right time, it meant the world to her.
“I love you too.”
Three weeks later, Michael parked in front of Jolene and Gavin’s home.
He’d been to the July Fourth party before. Usually because it was a party for the twins prior to the holiday party and Alex was his cousin and Ty was included in the party.
This year he was bringing Kelly with him and he fully expected some Jolene interference.
He and Kelly were prepared to just ignore it though.
To him, they’d gotten through the fight and that was huge.
The past few weeks they were good with each other, but he did feel this underlying net around them that they were trying to untangle from.
Neither wanted to say anything to upset the other and it wasn’t good, but he wasn’t sure how to get through it either.
There was part of him that hoped it went away on its own.
“I’ve heard about this party for years,” Kelly said. “I know it’s grown and so many are invited. Not all staff. I actually was invited last year but had plans with friends and was out of town. I was bummed too.”
“You’ll get the special treatment this year, I’m sure.”