Page 47 of Jasper

“I’m glad you’re mine too.”

Melody stood near Jasper as he spoke to her dad about their desire to return to New Jersey.

“Thanks for the offer,” Jasper said, shaking Finn’s hand. “I appreciate your trust in me, but our home is in the park.”

“I understand,” Finn said. He smiled at Melody. “I’m not going to exile you because I want you to be able to come back anytime to run with us for the full moon or just visit.”

“What about Jasper?” she asked.

“I’m going to reinstate your membership in our pack, Jasper,” Finn said. “You and your children will be welcome anytime.”

Ellie stepped up next to Melody and put her arm around her shoulders. “Babe, you gotta get working on the rugrats, I need some nieces and nephews to spoil.”

“You’ll be the best aunt on the planet,” Melody said.

“Man, I need to get me a mate,” Ellie said with a sigh. “I could use a sexy male around the house. And in the bedroom.” She wiggled her brows suggestively and Melody laughed.

“You can come to the park and visit,” she suggested. “There are lots of unmated shifters.”

“That would be awesome.”

“I’m going to miss you, sweet girl,” Viola said when Melody turned to give her a goodbye hug.

They’d spent two hours packing up her things with help from the park shifters, who’d stuck around for a whole day to make sure she and Jasper had an escort back to the park. They’d been instrumental in helping to clean up from the fight and not only pack Melody’s things, but also move her parents into the alpha’s home.

“I’m going to miss being here, but my heart is wherever Jasper is.”

“I get that,” Viola said. “I felt the same way when I met your father. I would have followed him to the ends of the earth.”

She hugged her dad and mom one more time, then hugged Ellie and found Chantal in the crowd hanging around in the alpha’s backyard and thanked her for her help.

“You can come visit the park with Ellie anytime,” Melody said. “Maybe you both could start a new life there. It’s pretty freaking awesome.”

Chantal smiled gently. She really was a kind soul. “Thanks, honey. Take care.”

Melody made her way to Jasper where he stood with his friends and alpha near the edge of the yard. He drew her close with a low growl. “Ready to go?”

“Yes. Home is calling.”

She looked over her shoulder at her parents and waved. Her mom blew a kiss and her dad lifted his hand to wave, then dropped it over her mom’s shoulders and pulled her against him.

“I didn’t think I’d feel sad about leaving, but it’s a weird happy sadness,” she said. She turned her attention to the woods ahead and hooked her arm through Jasper’s.

“It’s nice to know we can visit whenever,” he said.

“I can’t believe you didn’t want to be the future alpha,” Lucius said.

“Too much responsibility,” Jasper said. “Plus, it seems like people are always trying to kill you for the job title. Right, Joss?”

“To be fair, I’ve only had one person try to kill me to take over,” he said.

“Still,” Jasper said, “I’ll take being a regular pack member without the chance of someone trying to take me out.”

That sounded like a good idea to Melody too.

They reached the line of SUVs and Jasper opened the passenger door of the lead one for her. “When we get home, I’ve got some ideas,” she said as she climbed in.

“About what?” he asked.