Page 23 of Jasper

Her mind raced. It wasn’t like she had a weapon or any serious fighting skills. The males who’d taken over the pack were well-trained and dangerous. She’d never even thrown a punch before.

Reaching over, she felt for the latch and opened the glove compartment. A small light illuminated the space, which showed a flashlight, a first aid kit, and a manual.

She figured the tire iron was probably in the back with the spare tire, which was not helpful at the moment.

Well, the flashlight was better than nothing.

Grasping it, she opened the passenger door and hefted herself over the console, nearly falling out of the SUV into an ungraceful heap. Catching herself on the door, she bit her lip to keep from shouting out in surprise, then got her footing and squatted down, running alongside the vehicle.

She heard a grunt and peeked around the corner to see the male in black trying to choke Benjamin.

Grasping the flashlight tightly, she hurried across the open space and down the other vehicle, peering around the corner of Benjamin’s vehicle to see him struggling to punch the male in black.

She inhaled deeply and pushed back the fear that was like a living thing inside her, and rushed forward, flashlight lifted high.

The male looked at her at the last second, just as she swung it toward his head. He let go of Benjamin with a shout and stumbled back. She pulled open the SUV door and Benjamin climbed from the vehicle, choking and coughing, and pushed her behind him.

Claws sprang from his fingertips and he snarled. “Fucker.”

With a low growl, Benjamin leaped and took the male down, the two rolling on the ground as claws slashed and fangs gleamed in the moonlight.

Benjamin threw a punch and the male’s head snapped back with a sickening crack, and then he flopped on the ground and didn’t move.

“Damn it,” Benjamin said as he rolled to his knees. “I didn’t want to kill him.”

She hurried to him and ducked under his arm to help him get to his feet. “You did what you had to do. He was definitely going to kill you.”

“Yeah. And you too probably. Thank you for saving my life.”

“It was my first time being aggressive.”

“You did great.”

She helped him to the SUV, and he sat behind the wheel and rubbed his throat, where deep red marks were visible on his skin. “I hope they show up soon,” she said. “I’m worried there will be more.”

“Me too. But if they do show up, they won’t catch us off guard again.”

Hurry, Jasper.

“Who the fuck are you?”a male dressed in black asked as Jasper reached the door of the prison.

“Just passing through.” Jasper stepped from the prison with his friends at his side, Finn and Viola at the rear and partially hidden from view.

The male snarled and looked past him to the open door. Claws glistened from his fingertips and fangs slowly appeared in his mouth. “Ludo said something was going on. Whoever you have with you, leave them behind and get the fuck out, or I’ll kill all of you.”

“I’m not leaving without them,” Jasper said.

Someone sounded an alarm, the horn blaring into the quiet night.

The male smiled smugly.

“We need to go,” Patton whispered.

Jasper settled into a fighting stance and let out his wolf enough to enhance his speed and strength, his claws and fangs erupting. He leaned over and scored the dirt with his claws, then picked up a handful and flung it at the male’s head. As the dirt hit his face, he shouted and stumbled backward, wiping at his face.

“Let’s go!” Jasper yelled.

Their group raced away into the darkness. Jasper made sure that Finn and Viola were with them, covering them from behind to ensure they made it out safely. As they broached the woods and came upon the SUVs, Melody wasn’t in the first vehicle.