Page 71 of Chosen Beta

Of course he does. He’s always helpful like that.

I close the door and move over to the row of sinks.

Turning on a couple of the faucets, I let them run.

My bladder quickly reminds me it’s full, and I dart into the first cubicle to relieve myself.

The afternoon I just had, sitting in my office trying to focus on work while two of the most attractive men I’ve ever met were inthe room the whole time, insistent on being there because they think I need to be protected from a threat inside the academy, well it was tense to say the least.

I’m sure all the emails I sent out were riddled with typos, thanks to the sweet scent of Shadow’s perfume lingering in the air and making me feel all hot and bothered. It didn’t help one little bit that I could feel Pete’s intense gaze on me at least half of the time. Wondering what sexy thoughts might be on his mind was just as distracting as his Omega’s perfume.

If I wasn’t too busy to leave the academy, I’d be downloading EveryBeta on my phone, and searching for a random stranger to help sate my suddenly ravenous sexual appetite.

Because Ineedto do something about this insanity.

My work is already suffering, and I’m worried about what I might do, or suggest, to these guys if my physical responses don’t calm the hell down.

It’s like I’ve turned back into a horny teenager.

God, that’s embarrassing.

Once I’m out of the stall, I take my time washing my hands.

I need a minute or two to breathe in the unperfumed air.

Shadow’s sweet, spicy scent isn’t fading very quickly.

It’s probably lingering on my clothes.

I did spend most of the day shut in the same room.

There’s nothing I can do about that now.

I blast my hands in the air dryer, leaning over it, in the hopes that it might blast the scent out of my blouse. I’m not sure it’s working until I bring my hands out dry, and I take in a breath that feels fresh and unscented.

I let out a relieved sigh.

The loss of that scent doesn’t instantly take the heat out of my sex-starved body, but I feel just a little bit calmer, and that’s enough for now.

If it comes to it, I can touch myself when I’m alone in the office, hidden behind my desk and with a door between me and the guy I’m wishing was really between my legs.

And I need to stop thinking sexy thoughts.

“No more,” I murmur to myself before I head for the door.

Stick to the plan. Grab a coffee. Get back to work.

Sounds simple enough. So, why do I get the feeling it’s not going to be that easy?

I step back into the hallway, where Dr. Clarke is waiting for me, a respectful few feet away from the door. He looks damn good, even at the end of a long shift.

“Are you really going back to work?” he asks.

“You know how it is. No rest for the one in charge.”

I keep my tone light, and he smiles back at me.

“Well, I can’t say I haven’t burned the candle at both ends before,” he admits. “But everyone needs to rest, and I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I didn’t tell you to eat something and make sure you don’t overdo it.”