Page 50 of Chosen Beta

“Wow,” he murmurs. “That’s … I’m just … Wow.”

“The upside is the Omegas have a guardian who’s actually looking out for them. The downside is a lot of people have a good reason to want a new head administrator put in place so things can go back to what they’re used to. Fortunately for me, I met a good lawyer, and she has my back. If anyone tries to sue, and they already have, we have standard information that tells them they have no rights to do so. “

“You should have a round-the-clock security detail,” he says, as he fills out the address part. “Those people who have good reason to be angry at you are rich, powerful sons of bitches. They don’t care about the same things that most people do, and they won’t hesitate to hurt anyone they see as standing in their way.”

He sets the pen down and straightens as he hands me back the form. “You realize you’ve got a big target on your back, and a large number of potential, credible threats to your life.”

“I wasn’t thinking about it like that,” I admit. “But I did when you asked if there might be a reason why someone might want to hurt me.”

“And you’re not thinking about stepping down from this position?”

I think about what he’s saying, and I think about the hundred Omegas who are counting on me to make sure they get a real shot to find their fated mates, or to find the thing they’re meant to be doing with their lives.

Brooke’s face pops into my head, and I know the answer.

“I have a friend,” I start, stopping and shaking my head. “She might be more than a friend, but that’s complicated, and it’s beside the point. She fought against her own father to be released and to get the chance to be with her fated mates. This place was killing her. She would have given anything for the shot I can give every one of the hundred Omegas who are under my care right now. This change was needed so badly, and everything that happened to get the academy to this point … It’s time. It had to be me, and it had to be now. No matter the consequences.”

“This friend who might be more than a friend,” he starts. “She also has mates?”

“I told you it was complicated. That ship might have sailed, but I’ll always love her.”

“You’re sure you have to be the one to do this?” he asks.

“I don’t think it can be anyone else,” I admit. “The previous heads were all corrupt, and I’d bet my last dollar the donors would find another one of their messed up buddies to take my place if I stepped down. They’d reverse as much as they could and have this place back up and running like it’s an elite brothel in no time.”

He sighs.

“Are you going to call me crazy?”

“You’re not crazy. You’re brave. It’s not the same thing, but it’s damn close.”

“I was just in the right place at the right time.”

He laughs. “You have no idea the kind of guts it takes to do what you’re doing. You’re so like Ezra. Doing the right thing no matter what it costs you.”

“There’s nothing wrong with doing the right thing.”

“There can be,” he murmurs.

It sounds like there’s a story there.

But a second later, he blinks, and I can tell he’s got something else on his mind.

“That list,” he requests.

“Right,” I confirm.

I place the form he filled out on the scanner and pull the file through to the recruitment database. As soon as it registers, I pull the list of existing security staff.

It prints off on a single sheet of paper.

Names, addresses, contact phone numbers and email addresses.

I hand it over to Pete without hesitating.

He nods as he reads it over.

“This’ll work.”