“What was that? Were they… talking to one another directly?” Caden realized.

“I think so. We are, evidently, in their way,” Valerius remarked dryly.

Caden drained all of his wine in one long swallow, having become somber again. His right leg bobbed up and down. “Keeping this secret is just me being selfish, trying to go home again in a way that Ican’tanymore, and… and it's got to end, Valerius.”

Valerius felt a tightness fill his chest. While he had never craved the spotlight or to rule, it was a part of him. Caden was being forced to abandon all he knew. Any sense of young adulthood he had would be gone. His past life would forever be past.

I can’t let him do this.

“I will handle things with Mei,” Valerius told him firmly. “You can--”

“No.” Caden reached for his hands and threaded their fingers together, holding onto him tightly. “No, Valerius. You are not going to have to pay anything more for me to hide. Maybe I’m not the right person for this, but Serai’s actions have shown me that I can’t not try to make things better. And I can do more out of the shadows. I’m done hiding that I’m the White Dragon Shifter.”


“That is a large decision, Caden,” Valerius told him, “which demands food and rest.”

Caden felt relief welling in his chest. He tried to push that relief aside. That relief, that delay, was just him retreating from what he had to do. He should just call a press conference right now. Announce himself to the world on Valerius’ balcony. That way he couldn’t back out, go hide once more, tell himself that his privacy was worth more than any good he could do in this world.

“I have to do this Valerius. I shouldn’t wait. Perhaps Chione could call a press conference and--”

“Before you tell your parents and sister about what you are going to do? The press would be at their home, your father’s work, your mother’s place of Faith, and your sister’s friends' houses in moments,” Valerius said evenly.

“Oh, yeah, right.” Caden scrubbed a hand through his hair. He had already put his parents through so much. If he ever wanted them to speak to him again, he couldn’t do this without speaking to them.

Dad will want to have a plan. Mom will want to go to the Faith and have them on board.

“And then, of course, there is Wally,” Valerius continued as he stroked Caden’s back. It was so soothing, especially since it was just a slip of silk between them. “The connection between you, him and Landry will be revealed. It will be a circus.”

“He could lose his business,” Caden whispered, horrified.

“If it is not handled appropriately, yes, that could happen,” Valerius agreed.

Caden leaned forward and put his face in his hands. “Is there no right way to do this? Am I just bound to fuck up everyone’s lives?”

Valerius put a hand on his back. “You have fucked up no one’s life. You never could.”

Caden felt tears leaking from his eyes. “I don’t know what to do. There’s too much at stake. Why did Iolaire pick me?”

Love,Iolaire twittered softly.

Caden saw Iolaire lying down. It stretched out its long neck and laid its head down. But Iolaire was not alone. Not exactly. Caden realized he could see Raziel too. The Dragons’ foreheads were nearly touching, facing one another. Caden’s heart clenched at the sight.

Because you love Raziel?Caden asked.You could have chosen anyone to be with Raziel! Someone better suited than me.

But Iolaire was already asleep and did not answer him.

“Caden?” Valerius was frowning.

“I just…”

Caden thought of telling him what he had seen about their Spirits. It was clear that Valerius had not glimpsed that semi-private moment. He opened his mouth to explain that Iolaire simply wanted to be with Raziel so it had picked the one person that day who was going to die right where Raziel was. That was why he was so different from the other Dragon Shifters. He had never truly been meant to be one of them.

He wasn’t special.

He wasn’t worthy.

He was justthereat the right time and the right place.