“Again, I just don’t see Mei valuing goodness and wisdom!” Rose’s hands flew up into the air like startled birds.
Wally patted the air with one pudgy hand and the “wisdom hat” with the other. “Regardless of what she valued, she returned to the village to find her father dead and with the knowledge that her husband was the one responsible for it,” Wally’s voice deepened. “They say that she let out a scream that cracked open the sky. Red lightning that rained down and destroyed the roof of the wedding hall where she cradled her dead father’s head in her hands.”
“The joining?” Caden’s eyes grew wide.
Wally nodded. “She is said to have transformed into the Red Dragon right there and then. She roasted her deceitful husband alive, and then she is said to have flown up and gone after the rest of his men, burning them to ashes in her magma-like breath. When she returned to the village, after scouring the area of all evil doers, she took over running the village. She was their protector and savior for many, many centuries.”
The moment that Wally finished his story, silence fell as both Caden and Rose absorbed it. The story, in Caden’s mind, made Mei seem… likable. She had been betrayed by the person she loved most, so maybe that explained her need to build mechanical armies to protect her and her people. She likely didn’t trust any people after that. Caden felt sympathy for her and he looked curiously at Iolaire.
Why don’t you like her?Caden asked his Spirit.
But Iolaire didn’t get a chance to answer as Rose shouted, “Bullshit! I call bullshit, Wally!”
Instead of acting offended, Wally’s round face split with a huge grin. His mustache was quivering with affection and pride. Caden frowned. What had he missed here?
“Wally, that story… it’s true, right? I mean it sounds true,” Caden said almost meekly as Rose was shaking her head.
“It sounds like astory, Caden. Too neat and clean, and I’m betting your little heart was thumping in sympathy for her.” Rose lifted her eyebrows at him.
He actually blushed and lowered his head. “Well, yeah.” His head shot up again. “But who wouldn’t?! You’d have to be cold-hearted not to understand what something like that could do to a person and--”
“Do you really think that woman that freaks Iolaire out is this feel-good village daughter who avenged her father and was a wise and just ruler ever after?” She shook her head as if he was simply too naive.
“I--I don’t know. She could be!” Caden looked back at Wally for support. “Wally, you told us this to explain Mei and--”
“The story I told you is the one thatMeiwishes to be known,” Wally interrupted.
“Mei wants…”
“She doesn’t speak of it herself, obviously, but the story just slipped out to the press,” Wally explained.
Caden scowled. “You said you hadsecretknowledge. Something in the paper--”
“Considering it was made of dead trees at the time and now is likely on microfiche, thatisthe equivalent of secret knowledge to you youngsters,” Wally corrected him, waving a chubby sausage finger through the air.
“So is that whole story a--a story? A lie?” Caden cried, feeling betrayed somehow. Iolaire was licking its claws and cleaning its head with them cat-like.
Don’t you be acting like I’m naive too, Iolaire!Caden cried.
All he got was slow blinks of love before Iolaire went back to cleaning itself.
But Wally shook his head. “Oh, yes, but there are some definite changes to it.”
“Like what?” Caden’s eyes narrowed. He wasn’t sure he trusted Wally not to lead him astray again.
“The village mayor had only one child,” Wally said.
“Yes, it was Mei. We know--”
But Wally shook his head, cutting Caden off. “No, he had ason.”
“Oh, my God.” Rose put a hand up to her lips. “Mei was thebandit!”
Wally grinned and pointed at her. “You win a prize of knowledge, Rose. Perhaps you would like to wear the wisdom hat?”
Rose was immediately backing away and was waving a hand as if to ward the balloon Dragon hat off.
“So did her husband find out who she was and what she had done?” Caden was stunned.