Yet at that moment, Iolaire appeared serene. Their blue eyes searched the crowd for something. What did they see in the Humans First faces other than hate? Caden would recognize the fury for what it was, but would the Spirit? Iolaire seemed so terribly innocent, more innocent than Caden even. Would seeing this ugliness hurt it?

Raziel snorted.Iolaire is strong. Do not think it is a delicate flower!

The newscaster went on, “It is unclear what Humans First wants. All the children are now shouting at them to go away and other… ah, colorful epithets. They clearly do not need saving.”

They cut to Tilly and her friends on Iolaire’s back who were all now shouting at the protesters, shaking their fists in the air, blowing them raspberries and making other rude gestures. Valerius wascertainhe would be hearing all about this from Caden and Tilly’s parents.

The newscaster continued, “As the newest of the Dragon Shifters with a moredelicatetouch than the others such as the Green Dragon King Illarion or the Red Dragon Queen Mei—with her notorious fiery temper—not to mention our very own Black Dragon King Valerius, perhaps Humans First thinks it can push Iolaire around!”

“They think they can push aDragonaround? They must have all taken a few hits to the head,” Esme muttered. “But it does show how delusional these Humans First people are to believe that they could go up against one of us. Even the newest, smallest of us.”

“Iolaire is not violent. Not to say they can’t defend themselves, obviously, but violence is not their way.” Chione was rubbing her hands together in front of her.

But both of them went stiff as one of the protestors decided that they had waited long enough for the children to be “returned” from the back of the hated Shifter. He rushed forward with a two-by-four raised above his head. The camera zoomed in on the end of the piece of wood and there were rusted nails sticking out. They would do nothing against Dragon hide, yet still, Valerius’ heart was in his throat that board neared Iolaire. He saw the police surging forward at the edge of the crowd, but they couldn’t get to the man who was about to attack the White Dragon Shifter in time.

Caden, Iolaire, be careful!

That will not even tickle,Raziel muttered, head on its massive crossed arms.

They are not fighters!

Iolaire is a mighty Dragon and those are foolish humans. All will be well.Raziel seemed to be channeling Chione at that moment.

Esme gave out a hoot of delight as Iolaire grasped the edge of that upraised board in their teeth and neatly yanked it out of the man’s hands. The man, startled, was raised up a few feet in the air until he wisely let go and tumbled onto his ass, stunned. Iolaire tossed the board over onto the grass away from anyone. They then turned back to the man whose mouth was open in an “O” of terror as Iolaire leaned down and nudged him gently to his feet. He stumbled backwards, letting out yells of fear until he realized that he wasn’t being harmed. Well, except for the layer of frost over his clothes. Tilly and the other children laughed and pointed at him, rolling about. Soon, some of the crowd—thosenotin Humans’ First, or at least those without weapons—laughed, too. The protestor’s cheeks flared red. Iolaire preened which had people taking pictures and crowding through the rowdy protestors to get nearer to the White Dragon.

Chione hit his arm. Her face was wreathed in smiles. “See! See, Valerius! Iolaire is doing just fine.”

“You sound as if you do not quite believe it yourself, Chione,” he pointed out.

“Well, I am protective of them too,” she admitted sheepishly.

Caden and Iolaire had handled this well. In fact, they gently cleared a way for the Werewolf police to get to the man who had attacked them. The Humans First protestor was none too gently handcuffed and read his rights before being hauled away. Another massive Werewolf, though retaining his human form, stepped between the front of the crowd and Iolaire.

This Shifter stood well over six feet. He was over half as wide with muscles that were barely contained by his uniform. Valerius recognized him. It was Police Chief Thorin Winterloss. Not only did he run the police, but was the Alpha of one of the most powerful Werewolf packs in America, the Blood Moon Pack. He was an imposing figure, exuding authority, and menace, when he had a mind to. Now, he was showing both.

“You will alldisperse! The park is now closed! Every person who remains in this park after the next five minutes will be arrested!” Thorin barked, his voice booming even over the cries of the crowd. His hard blue eyes crested over the reporters, too. “That goes for the press as well. Now go!”

The ones that had come simply to see the White Dragon Shifter immediately turned to go, though there were plenty of “nooooooos” and “c’mon, let us stay, we didn’t do anything!” But Thorin looped his thumbs into his gun belt and stared at anyone who dared oppose his orders. None survived that stare for long. Even the Humans First people left, with plenty of mutterings under their breath. The press, of course, were the last to start leaving.

“Why are you not having the Humans First protestors arrested?” Esme asked curiously.

“Because we can learn more about Humans First if we simply tag them, log them and have them followed,” Valerius grunted.

“Oh, good show, dear boy,” Esme said with an appreciative nod. “Though back in the old days, I would have employed some good hangings. Not all of them obviously. But some.”

Valerius snorted. “Yes, Esme, you had many heads on pikes as I remember.”

“One must keep order,” she answered lightly.

Soon, there were only Iolaire, Tilly, her friends and the Werewolves in the park. A news crew that had been retreating slowed their movements as the newscaster urged them to zoom in on Iolaire and Thorin.

“Quick! Quick! Get this shot! The police chief and Iolaire are speaking!” the newscaster hissed.

The police chief was indeed talking to Iolaire and the camera picked up the sound.

“While I recognize that all people have the right to be in public places in Reach, Iolaire,” Thorin was saying, “You might want to consider limiting your appearances to planned events. At least, give us notice of where you intend to go so that we can prepare the area. You cause quite the stir.”

Iolaire hooted sadly.