“You didn’t eat much,” Jake said as he headed for the front door. He held it open for her, along with her woolen cap and gloves.
“Saving myself for Mo’s apple pie.” The explosive combination of cinnamon, baked apple, and whipped cream made her mouth water. Pausing on the porch, she tugged on the cap and her gloves while her breath condensed.
“The cold burns more calories, Doc. You’ve got to eat more.”
She didn’t know whether to find Jake’s concern sweet or creepy for checking her out. Snorting, she slid into the driver’s seat when he pointed at it. She would go with sweet because he was a loving father and had a wife…no, a mate. “I’ll eat my fill of Harriet’s chocolate cake too, Jake, don’t you worry. She’s hellbent on fattening me up.”
Dane shut her front door and leaped off the porch in nothing but jeans and a T-shirt. Barefoot, he ran across the snow and climbed in the back, shoving a scarf between the seats for Jake to grab.
“So ready for this. A few inches fell last night which means untouched snow as far as the eye can see.” Dane rubbed his palms together and grinned.
Without responding, she started the engine and steered the SUV onto the ‘road.’ By now, she had the trees memorized since she was unable to rely on road markings or grooves in the snow. Jake and Dane remained silent as she careened around corners, clipping it at a steady pace. Not once did Jake encourage her to speed up nor did Dane warn her of too-sharp bends. She drew the SUV to a gentle halt to not lock the tires and switched off the engine.
“Impressive.” Jake smiled before flicking the scarf around her neck. “Let’s suit up.” He bolted from the cab, circled to the trunk, and flipped it open.
She stared out the window at Echon Mountain, the flickering lights of the tower, the dark green of the forests, and the sunlight creeping across the snow, painting it in golden yellow. From inside the cab warmed by the heater, the world around her was breathtaking.
Shivering in anticipation, she opened the door and stepped out. The wind snuck through the gaps of her clothing. She looped the scarf, zipped the jacket closed, then joined Dane and Jake. After gearing up, Dane checked her goggles and raised her hoodie, before securing it with a tug.
She threw herself off the cliff with more confidence than before, this time eager for the ride. The wind slapped her cheeks, icy cold lashing her face. She bent her knees to absorb the landing. By going first, she carved the untouched snow and chose where to board. But despite the thrill sparking adrenaline through her and summoning a smile, the hike back remained at the forefront of her decisions. The farther she went, the longer the return walk.
Resting her weight on her heels, she skidded to a halt, furrowing the snow, and spraying up a cloud of white powder. She raised her face to the sun’s rays, eager to feel the kiss of warmth against her chapped cheeks.
Dane and Jake stopped beside her.
“So beautiful.” Dane’s breath condensed as he huffed. “I couldn’t imagine leaving this for the city.”
“Same.” Jake twisted and waved at a man on the tower’s small balcony.
Unclipping the board, she stomped back, longing for a hot cup of coffee or cocoa. Gripping the nose of the board, she used the tail like a ski pole, dipping into the snow and dragging herself forward. It eased the effort on her thighs, but by the time they reached the SUV, she sucked in ragged breaths, and her arms trembled.
The return drive to her house was in silence.
As soon as she parked, she hopped out with a wave. “See you guys later.” With a pointed look at Dane hoping to convey he better give her some space, she disappeared inside.
She shut the door, rested her temple on it, and waited for the rumble of the SUV to fade. A peek outside showed no sign of a polar bear or lion. After a quick shower and a hot cup of coffee on her porch, she headed for the clinic to start the day.
Little Allison had come in covered in burrs, and in her cub form too. That had taken time to untangle. Mrs. Cromwell just wanted to chat to a friendly face about her grandchildren not visiting and the possibility of winning the town’s crochet contest this year. Ilona didn’t have the patience to learn that skill, and despite the waste of her time, she cherished those Harriet-chats. Not that Ilona charged for them either when the elderly woman brought lunch, cake, and coffee.
The highlight of Ilona’s day was a glimpse of Rhys’s gorgeous ass as he ran naked into the forest behind Cromwell’s. She hadn’t blinked, savoring the ripple of muscle along his fine legs and broad shoulders. Holy shit, he was a sexy man.
She fanned herself with medical cards on STDs before snorting. Looking never hurt anybody, and besides, he hadn’t known she ogled him. Heat burst across her cheeks anew. If he did know, what could she say?
She hurried away from the window, planning on confronting him soon enough about his not-so-secret interest in her grandmother.
Chapter Seventeen
“Rhys!”Lonahoveredatthe entrance of the bar.
Silence descended with the patrons turning as one to peer at Rhys.
He admired her in the wall mirror, free to do so without being obvious. The urge to spin on his stool to watch her march toward him gripped him. He tamped it down while he fought his vocal bear. She was taller than Callie. Not something he noticed before. Lona fit him well, though. His arms recalled the weight of her filling them. The tips of her braids brushed each shoulder
He shifted on his seat, hoping to ease the burn of desire pooling in his loins. But he didn’t look away.
Meeting his gaze in the mirror, Ilona strode toward him with enough malevolence to raise the hairs on the back of his neck. She challenged his alpha, and the excitement skittering along his nerves meant he liked it. Her actions gave him a semi hard-on. He didn’t bother to hide his ‘growing’ interest. Instead, he smirked into his beer.