Toying with her clit sparked her hips to move, and as he thrummed her, she rubbed her channel along his length. Whimpers and gasps escaped her, and when she nudged his fingers aside, he leaned back to watch her stroke herself.
She thrashed, gyrated, bouncing her breasts while stroking him closer to an orgasm. Spots circled his vision when she cried out, his name tumbling from her lips. When she bucked then slumped, the heat from her pleasure saturated his cock. He took over, gripping her hips to thrust up. Unblinking, he watched her come apart again as lightning shot from his balls to his cock.
She threw herself across him while he fucked her, but when she bit his shoulder, his world exploded into white, hot joy so intense he spasmed, riding the wave for what felt like an eternity. He rolled her over to kiss her, pinning her beneath him as tiny sparks fired and mini orgasms trembled his body.
“Lona.” He couldn’t think of anything to say, how to convey what she made him feel. It was too soon to tell her he loved her.
“I bit you.” Concern furrowed her brow, as if she had done something wrong.
“I’ve never experienced that. Bite me whenever you want to.” Fuck, hell, yeah, was what he wanted to say, but he would sound like the Neanderthal she had called him.
“Is it as good as when you bite me?” She brushed his hair off his shoulders and trailed a finger along his jaw. He wanted to close his eyes and savor her touch.
“What did it feel like for you?”
“Oh, amazing. My impending orgasm goes from wow to epic.” She grinned. “It’s why I don’t mind.”
“It’s the same for me.” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her. His nostrils flared as he sucked in the scents from their union, memorizing them. “Come, shower. We’ll stop for food when we refuel.”
She nodded, then stretched to kiss him.
When he withdrew, she winced.
Laughing, he stole another kiss before lifting off her. “We should give your body a chance to recover. I’ll run you a bath, then shower while you soak.”
“The man of my dreams,” she teased, her gaze following his stroll to the bathroom.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Theyhadbeenonthe road for hours, her trunk laden with clothes and boxes, and the personal effects from her parents’ house. Rhys snored beside her, having done most of the driving until their last stop where he had consumed three burgers, two shakes, and a slice of apple pie.
She snuck glances at him, catching his profile in the flickering streetlights. Being with him had been better than her imagination could ever have conjured. Her body ached from the overstimulation, but she wouldn’t change a second of it.
Something intense encased her heart, like the weaving of a cocoon. Each silken thread whispered his name. She cared for him, might love him, and in what, days? Absurd. Though, she snuck another glance, he had proven himself, his determination admirable.
He had called Noah and set everything in place, securing her a cabin, even if it was temporary. She didn’t have to worry about a bed while she found her way around Inner City. And the manner with which he had spoken to Gran and Amos hinted at a future. Sure, Rhys had said he wanted to date her, but how many men lied to get into a woman’s bed?
She shook her head. No, not Rhys. He was different, in fact, too honest. And when he called her Lona-love, her heartbeat skittered. No man should have that much power over her.
Blues played on the radio, hushed to not disturb him. Her life had taken a drastic turn, not one she could have foreseen. Yet the impact she may make could be greater than that of a pediatrician.
She peeked at his denim-encased thighs and the way his T-shirt clung to his chest. Whipping her head forward, she tried to focus on the passing signs, the lights on the horizon. What they should do was stop at the motel and rest. But that way led to more lovemaking, and despite the persistent thrum of desire, her body did need a breather.
She inhaled his cologne, savoring it.
“If you don’t focus, we’ll have to pull over so I can spank you.” His grumbling made her yelp.
“What am I doing?” Like he could know her thoughts. She was tempted to roll her eyes at his silliness.
“I can feel your gaze like a caress. Your heartbeat isn’t steady, and you smell aroused.” He chuckled, sitting up to stretch. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Eight hours to go. The sun has just set.”
He nodded, then stifled a yawn.
“Get some more sleep, Rhys. I’ll stay focused if you cover all that.” She gestured to his thighs.