Men walking in and out of her house disturbed their conversation. Groaning, Rhys adjusted his erection in his jeans with a heated glare leveled on her.
“Wear a skirt for the drive.” His husky command made her moan, and she folded her arms across her chest to hide her pebbled nipples.
It was two hours later before she could lock the now empty house. Rhys drove behind her to the car rentals so he could drop off his SUV. He climbed in with her, dumped his duffel bag on the back seat, and twisted to watch her.
“You know what’s awaiting us at your apartment, right?” His voice dipped to a sexy drawl that scattered her thoughts and thrummed hot need through her.
“You mean after Evie draws blood?”
She laughed. “It won’t take long, and it’s close to my apartment.”
“Good, because, woman, your scent is driving me wild.”
She whipped a glance at him. “Again?”
He shrugged. “Full moon.”
A wave of disappointment hit her. “Oh? And after the full moon?” Damn, she hoped his eagerness didn’t wane with the moon.
He brushed hair off her face, ran his fingers along her neck, then across her collarbone to her upper arm. “I doubt I’ll ever get enough of you.”
What a sweet thing to say. She faced forward, hoping he didn’t spot the burn on her cheeks and the tears in her eyes.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Lunar,Rhysachedforher. The agony in his groin was distracting. And her scent had intensified, now aided by the close confines of the Jeep. The way the sunlight played across her face, the laughter in her eyes, the curve of her neck to her pebbled breasts. He loved it all. Casting a glance out the window, he sucked in long calming breaths. He loved her and had committed the moment she gave herself to him.
His bear was somewhat pacified, but still demanded he mate.
And it had been a close thing when he bit her shoulder. Thankfully, he hadn’t drawn blood. She had his in her, they had made love, and now, all the connection needed was her blood in him. That was, had she been a shifter.
She did have some shifter traits in her genes with Amos as her grandfather. Rhys didn’t know how humans might react to the mating call. He worried his bottom lip with his teeth, wondering how best to tell her the ecstasy she had felt when he had smeared his blood across her palm had started the mating sequence for him.
She thought Dane an ass, which was why his blood hadn’t triggered a similar reaction. Fuck, Rhys would have had to kill Dane if she had found the polar bear attractive. Small wonders.
She parked the car in a vacant spot and gestured for Rhys to follow. The sunlight streamed down, making him uncomfortable, his bear forced to slow its pacing. Inside the hospital, he trailed her upstairs and into a lab, hand sanitizing as she had done.
She disappeared down an aisle, then reemerged, only to disappear again. “Evie?”
A dark head popped out of a room at the back of the lab. Her brown eyes widened. “Ilona?”
“Oh, there you are. This is Rhys.”
Her friend hurried forward, a rainbow of colors in her leggings and baggy shirt beneath her lab coat. “The Rhys?”
“Yup, he…um, shared his blood.” Ilona held out her palm.
“He did what? Oh.” Evie grasped Ilona’s hand and ran her thumb over the red line. “Fuck me, James,” she whispered.
“I want you to draw my blood again and give me both vials.”
“What? Why?” Evie’s brow furrowed as she gathered a few things.
“I have an interview in Inner City, remember. I texted you the details.”