“Good.” While stroking her back, he closed the door behind him and settled on the couch, rearranging her limbs so she sat sideways.
She offered a smile while wiping her eyes and cheeks. “I’m glad to see you.”
The vice around his chest eased. He tucked a curl behind her ear and trailed his finger along her jaw to her chin. “I’m happy to see you too.”
What he wanted was to kiss the tip of her red nose and settle on her lips. Wrangling his urges into submission, he tugged her closer and wrapped his arms around her.
She cuddled into him, wriggling her ass across his lap. He gritted his teeth against lust’s fiery demands. Then she stiffened and leaned away.
She tilted her head. “You didn’t think I would let you in.”
“I hoped.” He ran his gaze over her and cupped her cheek to stroke her chin with his thumb. “You’ve lost weight. Pizza?”
She smiled. “Bribery?”
“No, hungry.” He grinned.
“Why did you come, Rhys?”
His breath hitched. “I thought we might eat first before you hit me with the hard questions.”
He gripped her hips, then fell back, sprawling along the length of the couch. She squealed when she splayed across him, but he rearranged her until she nestled against his chest.
“You sounded alone, scared, sad. I was too worried to sleep.” He hoped the dark circles under his eyes confirmed this.
“Oh. Where are my manners? Coffee, tea?” She twisted to meet his gaze.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to hold you a little longer.”
Her cheeks flushed pink, now matching the fading glow of her nose. But she said no more, just rested her temple on his shoulder.
“Need me to do anything for you?”
“No. I tackled Dad’s study and their bedroom this afternoon.” She released a shuddering breath. “I was doing so well until I found the stack of photo albums.” With a flick of a finger, she gestured to the bookshelf lining one wall. A few minutes later, she sketched invisible circles on his shoulder.
“Okay, spill.” He laughed when she snapped her head up to meet his gaze.
“I have a job interview.” She scrambled away to remove an orange card from her back pocket. The bandage around her hand snagged his focus. “It’s in Inner City.”
He growled and grabbed the card, blinking at the colorful lettering: Heartstone Pediatrics. Unable to stop the slow spread of a smile and the warmth engulfing his chest, he crushed her in a hug. “This is…wonderful.”
“Thought you might like that.” She squeezed and released his biceps with her nails grazing him through his jacket. “I’ll need your help finding a place to stay.”
“That’s sorted. I—”
“Of my own, Rhys.”
He laughed and pinched her chin. “I have cabins. You can pick one.”
“Oh.” Her cheeks flamed pink again. This time, he caved and pressed his lips to the faint glow, relishing the softness of her skin.
“Now explain the bandage.” He leaned back to scoop her hand into his.
“I sliced my palm.” She shrugged, but it was stiff, indicating there was more to the injury than an accident. “I’m doing research.” On a slow sigh, she slid off him. “I tested my blood this morning, hoping to document what effect Dane’s blood had on mine.”
“And?” Rhys tugged her beside him to unravel the bandage.
“It’s like a newborn’s.” She bounced, excitement flowing off her wide smile and sparkling eyes. “I mean, if we can discover the healing gene in your blood, we can help children with cancer.”