Silence met his revelation. “Oh, well, this is good. Wait. No, this doesn’t make sense. Stay, rest, spend the next week in bed, but you’re not coming home.”
“He said no happy ending, idiot,” proving Jase listened in.
“Shit, well…” Noah sucked in a sharp breath. “Why not?”
Aiden bounding across to the car, opening the back door, and tossing in his bag ended anything Rhys may have wanted to reveal. “Long story, like I said. I’ll share when I get back. Oh, and Aiden’s visiting for a few days.”
“Great. I’ll have Will make up a room for him.”
Noah hung up, and Rhys slid his phone into its bracket, just as Aiden hauled himself into the passenger seat. “Who’s manning the bar?”
“Human students eager to enjoy the festivities.” Aiden beamed as he clipped the seatbelt. “Frees me to partake, as well. Dane said he’ll send a ride in about four days.”
Rhys nodded as he drove off. He stiffened his shoulders against the thought leaving Coedwig left Ilona behind. She wasn’t there, he knew this, but it was where they met, where he spent a glorious few days with her. Even sick, she had been adorable and sexy as hell.
Silence consumed the car after it had taken Aiden a while to settle. “Want to brainstorm?”
Rhys jerked back at the question. The thought of doing so was more cold-blooded than the chat he had with Mona. “No.”
Aiden huffed. “I could have—”
Snorting, Rhys tossed a smile. “Enough, cub. Lona will be my mate, have no fear.”
“Fine, then tell me, what do you plan to do?”
Rhys gritted his teeth, wanting to snap at Aiden. “None of your business.”
He growled, throwing out his alpha vibes. “One more word and I’ll drop you off. You can run back to Coedwig.”
Aiden folded his arms across his chest and stared out the window.
Rhys chuckled. Oh, his brother still had a little child in him. “Are you sulking?”
“No, just have nothing else to say.”
Rhys wouldn’t again mention Will throwing herself at him. Some things were best not discussed. And if he probed Aiden’s feelings for Will, Rhys would be expected to reciprocate. That wouldn’t do.
Heart to hearts weren’t for shifter males, and he wasn’t about to start. “Will should have a room ready for you.”
Aiden arched his brow at him. “She knows I’m coming?” His arms tightened when his hands flexed into fists.
“I didn’t know you wanted to surprise her.”
Aiden shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.”
“You’re right. She’ll spoil you rotten. Breakfast in bed, waiting on you hand and foot.” Rhys grinned. “Or were you hoping for—?”
“You’ve made your point. Ilona and Will are off-limits.” Aiden flicked on the radio, and the mournful notes of a trumpet filled the cab.
At last. Rhys grinned, content to endure a few hours of sultry blues.
Chapter Twenty-Four
Iftheaccidentdidn’ttorment Ilona’s dreams, images of Rhys left her breathless and unable to rest. The beating of Dad’s pulse under her fingertips, the burning of her scar, the phantom sensation of Rhys slipping his arms around her jerked her awake.