Her breath hitched. She blinked at the seductive curl of his upper lip.
He sat up in one smooth move, declaring a set of strong abs she had excellent memory of. “Your nose isn’t as red.”
Great. Remind the patient how shitty she looks. She wanted to drop her head into her hands and moan. “Thanks, I think.”
“What do you feel like for dinner? Chicken soup?”
“No.” She barked her response then grimaced, not that she was hungry. But no dinner might mean Rhys abandoning her for the evening. She wanted him to stay. “Thank you, but no. Pizza?”
“Sure.” He chuckled. “I’ll tell Mo how her soup made you feel sick to your stomach.”
“You do that and I’ll kick you out of my house.” She smiled, the one that had lingered under the surface since he had entered her home this morning.
“You’d have to escape those blankets first, and I doubt you could outrun me.” He bounded off the couch to lean over her, tucking her in tighter.
“I’m hot,” she whined, flashing him a pout for good measure.
He brushed the hair off her temple, his touch cool against her flushed skin. “Good, incubate the germs, and show them who’s boss.”
“You?” She grinned.
His lips twitched, but a full smile didn’t form, thank the Lord. “Tonight, you should drink a hot toddy.”
“You just want me drunk, and besides, who’s the doctor here?” She nudged her head at the television since he had trapped her hands within the blankets. “Let’s choose another and order pizza.”
His fingers brushing her scarred cheek stilled. Curious, she raised her gaze to meet his. “Your temperature’s down.” He stroked her jawline instead of releasing her.
“I suppose you’ll send me the bill for services rendered?” Instead of turning her head and pressing a kiss to his palm, she forced a laugh. It had to be the meds. No man had ever tempted her like he did, so much her wits scattered and her instincts leaped toward promiscuous. She wanted to do him. The thought alone shot shards of lust and fear through her, proving she was in a sound mind to start something with him.
“Pay for the pizza, and we’re even.”
She snorted. “The amount shifters eat? You’ll bankrupt me.” Wiggling, she tried to dislodge the blankets enough to tug her arms free. “I need the bathroom.” When nothing loosened, she met his gaze again. “Are you a ninja blanket wrapper of great renown?”
Chuckling at her silly joke, she attempted to squirm free. Exhaustion weakened her arms and rasped her breathing. Sure she was better, but her body hadn’t fully recovered. Within seconds, he had her unwrapped.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He slid a hand under her bare thighs, an arm around her back, and she was airborne. “I can walk.” She clung to him for stability.
“If you say so. What pizza do you want?” he asked as if carrying her was normal for either of them.
“Ham and mushroom with extra olives. The pizza menu’s on the fridge.”
He lowered her feet to the floor outside the bathroom door but didn’t step away. Instead, he closed her robe, his fingers grazing her skin. She glanced away, not wanting to know how much she had exposed herself.
Tapping her nose with a fingertip, he gained her attention. “Call when you’re done.” He walked to the door. “I mean it, Ilona.”
“I mean it,” she grumbled under her breath, mimicking his macho attitude.
The door shut on her words and his answering laughter. She had forgotten about their sensitive hearing. A wave of heat bathed her face as if the fever had returned. What had she said when she had taken a bath? She had vague memories of complimenting parts of his anatomy.
“Shit.” She rose to flush before leaning over the basin. After she washed her hands, she cupped her cheeks imagining hearing the sizzle as her fingers cooled her humiliation.
She opened the door a crack and peered out. He wasn’t waiting for her which meant she could clothe herself with something more than a bathrobe. Panties would be first. With her nethers covered, she might feel less…vulnerable. Whipping off the bathrobe, she slipped a pair on. When she yanked on an oversized T-shirt that fell to mid-thigh, she shivered as the air touched her skin.
“You done?” His hoarse voice from the doorway drew a squeal from her.
His intense gaze traveled her bare legs. How much had he seen? A fresh fever gripped her as her embarrassment burned anew. She had lost count of the number of times she’d exposed herself to this man.
“Do you have to sneak up on me like that?” She held up her arms, expecting he’d insist on carrying her again.