Her white bra was blood-stained, and the strap hung on by a thread. Two lacerations from her shoulder to below her collarbone pumped blood. “Stop the bleeding first. Rhys, apply direct pressure. Aiden, find an analgesic, lidocaine or morphine will do. I don’t want to feel anything when you start cleaning.”
“Found a vial of morphine.” Aiden waved a bottle with clear liquid in it.
“Give me ten milligrams.” Fifteen was the standard amount, and even though it was tempting to take more, she wanted to remain awake for whatever the hell this was.
Aiden fumbled as he filled the syringe before hesitating again, unsure where to inject her. She held out her palm, her body trembling from the shock, and her mind taking trips to escape the fire consuming the left side of her chest.
Freaking hell, that hurt. She winced as she injected herself around the lacerations. Minutes later, the burn of morphine added to the agony before dousing it. She sighed, offering a timid smile. “You can clean me now.”
“Fuck this shit.” Dane removed a dagger from his boot and sliced his palm.
“What the hell are you doing?” She stared at the pooling blood, unable to grasp his motives. “Do you think I can treat you in my condition?”
He curled his fingers into a fist. “Aiden, hold her still.”
Rhys slid his hand across her back then lunged toward Dane with a deafening roar. “Don’t you fucking dare.”
Dane’s blue gaze met Rhys’s, and a silent power struggle played out. “Protect, Rhys, and last time I checked, I’m the alpha here.”
Rhys cursed and ran his hand through his hair. “Ask first…please.” He glanced at her, his brow furrowed. Stepping aside, he mouthed, “I’m sorry.”
He caught her elbow and stroked a path to her wrist, sending a wave of goosebumps along her skin. Lacing his fingers through hers, he squeezed.
“What’s going on?” She sliced glances between them.
But instead of answering her, Dane dribbled his blood into her wounds.
“What the fuck—?” She screamed as shards of electric fire ignored the morphine and tore through her, shuddering and convulsing her body.
As exhaustion drained her petrified muscles, she slumped in Rhys’s arms. He guided her to lie down seconds before her vision darkened. Her ears rung, reverberating their words and merging with her untamed heartbeat.
“I’m going to kill you, Dane.” As threats went and in her croaking voice, he had to be quaking in his boots. “Why the fuck did you do that?” Whether her strength returned or not, she sat up, slapping Aiden’s hands away where he cleaned the wounds.
“Shifter blood heals, Doc.” Dane dried his hands then tossed the paper towels into the trash can. As if he understood what she needed, he showed her his palm.
Gasping, she scooted off the bed to hold his hand still as she ran her thumb across his unmarred palm. She grabbed his other hand in case he deceived her by showing her the wrong palm. “And you knew giving me your blood would heal me?”
At his shrug, she thumped him on the arm, bruising her knuckles then reared back.
Chuckling, he caught her swinging fist. “Get back on the bed, Doc. Let Aiden clean your wounds, and I’ll treat you to a slice of Mo’s apple pie.”
“Apple pie?” Like that could make up for his mistreatment of her, using her as a test subject. Didn’t he know that blood carried diseases? Probably not, the idiot.
Rhys lifted her onto the bed before she could kick Dane. Her leg swung wild.
Dane grinned. “Now, now, Doc. Wounds first, then pie.”
Furious anger pulsed the morphine and Dane’s fucking blood through her. She grumbled under her breath, planning on heading to Cozy Cromwell’s and packing her bags. Jake mentioned a hospital north of Coedwig. She would request a full analysis of her blood.
First, she had to eat pie. There was no way Dane would let her leave with the bloody Lunar Festival coming up. To escape, she would have to sneak out.
She glared at Rhys. He’d apologized, had tried to stop Dumb Dane from doing this. Tears stung her eyes, and she hurried to dip her chin to her chest, the stench of her bloodied wound twitching her nose. She was far beyond her comfort zone. With these three men running roughshod over her, she didn’t stand a chance. Rhys kept a hand on her elbow, its warmth strengthening her. She clasped his other hand, offering him a squeeze in thanks before glaring at Dane again.
“Traitor,” she whispered to Aiden when he leaned closer.
He winced, but his continued silence sliced guilt through her. What was a young male supposed to do against Dane? Alpha? Fuck.
With her drowning in Rhys’s jacket, he bundled her into the SUV, her hand trapped in his. She wasn’t foolish enough to open the door and throw herself from a moving vehicle. Despite her mumbling she could walk, he carried her into the diner and sat her beside him like she was an energetic toddler.