She squared her shoulders then spun on the barstool to face her grandfather. He towered over her with his intimidation factor not aided by her seated position nor his glower. There was nothing to do but tell him.
“Hey, it turns out we’re related.” She closed her eyes for a second, gritting her teeth at her tactless words. “You’re my grandaddy.” In for a penny and all that.
“What?” Amos ran his dark gaze over her face and lingered on her scar.
She raised her chin, letting him see she was damaged goods. He would find out soon enough, anyway. She twisted to grab the box and shoved it into his hands. “Monique asked me to deliver this.”
“Mona?” He gasped, clutching the box tighter. “You’re Mona’s granddaughter?” He didn’t wait for an answer but focused on the box in his hands. “I…gave her this.” He clenched his jaw, flicked a glance at their attentive audience then at Ilona. “Meet me at Mo’s. Now.”
He unhooked his coat, slipped it on, then stormed outside, the door banging shut behind him.
“Your grandmother should have at least warned you about him.” Jillie sipped her wine. “He’s a mean bastard.”
Ilona sighed. “So everyone tells me.” She leaped off the stool, slid money onto the bar while ignoring Aiden, and bolted after Amos. The sooner she got this sorted, the faster she’d be on a plane home. A glance over her shoulder confirmed Dane trailed her.
The wall of muscle she walked into sucked the breath out of her. She clung to massive biceps while catching her balance. Raising her face to mumble “Oh, I’m so sorry” catapulted her heartbeat. Heat burned across her cheeks. She knew this man. Dipping her chin, she darted around Mr. Naked Neanderthal and snatched her jacket off the hook.
One traumatic event at a time, thank you very much.
She marched out of the bar without a backward glance. Standing on the sidewalk, she rocked on her feet and hunched her shoulders against the biting wind while waiting for Dane. When she realized he might not be coming, something slithered down her spine she would admit was fear. She couldn’t face Amos alone, could she?
She opened the door and peeked inside. Of all times to be chatting to her handsome stranger, did it have to be now? And of course, she had to linger on his many attributes she had vivid recollection of. She settled her gaze on Dane. “Is this going to take long? Want me to fetch you afterward?” She put enough impatience in her tone that he hurried to don his jacket.
Hiding a smile, she ducked outside and waited, trying not to imagine how this thing with Amos would play out. Her breathing became ragged.
Chapter Eleven
Afteranotherasphyxiationattemptwith a borrowed scarf that stank of dog, Dane walked Ilona up the gentle hill to Mo’s Diner. She suspected he hadn’t driven her because he thought she might faint. The crisp air did help hold back the dark spots circling her vision, so she sucked in great gulps of it. Fainting upon meeting her granddaddy would sure power the rumor mill. She blamed her fluttery state on coming face to face with Mr. Naked. He was as gorgeous in jeans and a T-shirt as he was naked, holding her boot. Who was she kidding? She much preferred him in his birthday suit. Raising her face to catch the chilling breeze helped smother a giggle at the image of him with a red ribbon twirled around his golden body.
“Not the way I would have gone.” Dane rumbled with barely suppressed laughter.
“Oh, and what would you have done or said?” She flicked an arched brow at him, irritated at his condescension. “Been in this situation before? How many unknown grandparents do you have?”
“Touché.” He threw his arm across her shoulder and tugged her into the curve of his body, shielding her from the wind.
She wanted to struggle, to reject his familiarity like he had known her for long and had the right to intrude on her personal space. But then, she would freeze. Grand gestures of offense would gain her nothing.
He shrugged. “Still, I would have given him the box and let him reach his own conclusions.”
“Right, that a woman he once knew sent him a box he’d given her?” She shook her head. “First conclusion would be…she died.” Raising her gaze to the sky, she let the chilling wind dry the tears forming. No more talk of death. “He looked furious, though.”
“Wouldn’t you be if you found out you had a child, and no one told you?” Dane tightened his arm to halt her, spinning her to face him. “We’re family orientated, Ilona. Not telling him cut out a large chunk of his soul.”
She blinked, wondering if Amos would force his way into her life. She couldn’t bear to lose someone again… No more thoughts of loss. “I’m staying longer than I thought?”
Dane nodded and guided her into a stroll, neatly dodging a woman with an ingratitude of children in tow. Amos watched from the booth closest to the entrance with one hand resting on the box centerstage of the table. Dane held the door open for her, allowing her to duck in before he followed.
The aroma of roasted coffee, cinnamon sugar, and toasted cheese greeted her. She inhaled deeply.
“Hey, Mo.” Dane kissed the cheek of an elderly woman in a waitress uniform. He gestured to Ilona to slide in first before he trapped her in the booth, taking up a large section of the seat with his great bulk. “I’ll have a coffee and a donut.”
She blinked at him. A massive breakfast, a beer, and now a donut? “Where do you put it all?”
When he grinned, she dropped her gaze, not needing his charm to melt her resolve. She wasn’t looking for sex, love, or forever after, and by the number of women seeking his particular companionship, he wasn’t the type of man she could afford to lose her heart to.
“I’m a growing boy.” He rubbed his taut abdomen.