Not that she knew what she would do when she returned to Fenneg. Waiting for her was the Great Cleanse and her new job at Indes Pediatrics. As a doctor, as a healer of children, she wasn’t sure she could do anymore. A doctor had to have heart, drive, passion…
Dane held the cabin door until she ducked under his arm and inside the warm interior. He peeled off his jacket and hung it on a hook buried among many other coats and jackets. After he helped her out of hers, he did the same, shoving her gloves inside her jacket pockets. Waiting for him granted her a few moments to scan the packed bar.
The stench of beer filled the air, but no smoke rose toward the ceiling, as if no one in the town smoked. How odd. Regardless, the floor was clean, the counter at the back long with sturdy stools and a young, brown-haired bartender serving drinks. With the crowds blocking her view, the pool tables had to be toward the rear.
Silence descended, and one by one, women and men stared at her, raising their chins to sniff the air. She restrained herself from asking Dane if she reeked of skunk. Blues played on the speakers, but not loud enough to hinder conversation.
“Come.” He wrapped his fingers around her elbow and ushered her toward the bar, cutting a fine swathe through the crowd.
He tapped a barstool with his boot. She slipped onto it, cupping the box in front of her. He dropped onto the stool beside her and waved two fingers at the bartender. Conversation resumed, and the volume rose to an almost deafening roar.
Woman after woman, gorgeous enough to be models, draped themselves over Dane, casting heated glares at Ilona. Blonde or brunette, slender and tall made her think Coedwig was a fashion capital. She caught snippets of their whisperings.
“…found a woman to warm you yet?”
“…you can do better than her.”
“…the full moon is almost upon us, and I was hoping…”
Ilona smothered a chuckle. Make that the porn capital with so many horny women in one place. Big man, big feet, big penis? Despite knowing the statistics, the adage had her coughing to cover her laughter.
Dane handled them with skill, whispering something in their ears to send them away with hopeful smiles.
“Two beers.” The bartender flicked coasters onto the counter before placing the bottles on them.
She blinked. Beer so soon?
“Name’s Aiden.” The bartender winked at her, and his dark blue eyes warmed when he ran his gaze over her.
She tilted her head to better display her scar, hoping to deter any advances. Not that he wasn’t attractive. She scanned the room again and frowned. Most of the men were built like athletes or bodybuilders, and they all had this tension around them like coiled snakes.
Dane chugged his beer like he hadn’t just eaten a mountain of food. “Where’s Amos?” He gestured to the room at large with a twirl of his bottle.
“Here somewhere.” Aiden shrugged. “Nothing noteworthy has happened…yet.” He polished a glass, studied it in the dim lighting, then polished it again. “Why are you looking for him?”
“I need to speak to him.” Ilona sipped her beer, letting the bitterness cut through her nervousness.
“Figured as much.” Aiden blessed her with a sensual smile. “Hey, Jillie, have you seen Amos?”
The elderly woman to the right of Ilona nursed a white wine. She hitched her thumb behind her and raised her glass to her lips, her assessing gaze resting on Ilona.
Ilona jerked at Dane’s boom, and the crowds quietened.
“Quit your hollering.” A tall man fiddled with his belt when he shuffled through the men’s bathroom door. “Can’t a man piss in peace?”
No, this couldn’t be him. He looked too young, late forties, early fifties max. Black hair peppered with gray fell to his shoulders, so long he could have tied it into a man bun. His eyes were a dark brown, and with that square jaw enhanced by his thick yet trimmed beard, Ilona could see why Gran had found him attractive. His nose was the deciding factor. A masculine version of hers and Mom’s.
Shit. She faced Aiden, but the mirror behind him showed Amos’s progress across the bar. Her heart pumped blood along her arteries with too much force. Flutters claimed her chest. The air was too thin. She struggled to inhale.
“Breathe.” Dane rested his hand between her shoulder blades.
His strength poured into her. She nodded, taking in slow controlled breaths until her heartbeat returned to a semi-normal pace.
“So, what do you want?” Amos’s voice behind her stiffened her back and tightened the grip she had on the beer.
“Care to explain?” Dane nudged her.