Page 17 of The Healer

“I just don’t want to offend the suckbloods, Rhys. We’ve formed a tenuous alliance, and if we outright reject their donations, they might see us as too proud to bend, to forgive, and to build a future where this omnipresent animosity no longer divides us.”

“Can you imagine shifter and vamps merging?” Dreams of merging with Callie hadn’t once touched on her as a suckblood. Rhys hadn’t cared what species she was. But if he had a choice, he’d want his mate to be a shifter.

“Hybrids would be more powerful, something Alrik hadn’t considered, or perhaps he knew and feared. We’re not even sure if children are possible from such matings. Is it the suckblood as a species that makes them infertile, or does the problem lie with the female or male biologically?”

“At least our lab is helping them solve this.” He grimaced.

As per Alrik’s instructions, the lab focused on gene-splicing, for lunar’s sake. The ‘generous’ politician with his hidden agenda behind the chemical concoction purported to improve the suckbloods’ fertility had been arrested. The initial batch had promised to do just that. Once the vamps had bought into the formula, Alrik and the politician had altered the mix.

To make amends for Knights Ridge’s involvement in the human politician’s goal to trigger a war between the vamps and shifters, Rhys had offered the lab’s assistance in ensuring the chemical was safe and as viable as initially tested. It was the least he could have done.

An image of little Callies running around and playing with pack children sent a wave of warmth through him. She might not be his mate, but he did hold her in high regard. He wanted her in his life, even if it was on the peripheral.

“Need me to call Callie and Jo-Jo?” He didn’t want to overburden his beta. It wouldn’t be good if they were both exhausted.

Noah veered onto their gravel road leading deeper into their land. “Nope, I’ve got this. You let your bear free, go fishing, sleep in.”

“Sounds like bliss.” Trees closed around them, cutting off their houses and buildings from the public’s prying eyes. Still, despite the dense vegetation, some folks got through. Perhaps Rhys should build a wall with electrical fencing as Dimi had done?

“Then go visit your brother for a proper vacation.”

Rhys opened his mouth to argue.

Noah settled a look on him, silencing him. “You agreed, and the word of an alpha is law.”

Rhys gritted his teeth. “Task Jase to organize more patrols. Alternate the volunteers. Let them train alongside Callie’s units.”

“Done.” Noah stopped the car and climbed out, leaving the engine running. While he undressed, stripped, and tossed his clothes onto the backseat, he grinned at Rhys. “Enjoy.”

Noah snapped and popped as his limbs and muscles morphed. His eyes changed first into yellow slits, then his ears and his nose to a snout. Limb by limb blurred and reformed until a pale-gold wolf peered at Rhys through the open door. After a chaff, he loped off.

Rhys slid across the gearstick to the driver’s seat. He closed the door and steered the SUV left. Excitement built inside until the rearview mirror reflected the grin claiming his lips, cheeks, and face.

His bear leaped to life, bouncing around in his eagerness for freedom.

Guilt struck Rhys at his neglect. Noah and been right to remind him.

“Sorry, bear, give us a few minutes, and you’ll taste sweet air, cool water, and a salty salmon.”

Chapter Seven


Whenthewoodenporchcreaked, Rhys glanced up from the paperback he was reading. He wasn’t expecting visitors. This cabin was so far away from the city and too deep into their property, which meant the intruder couldn’t be someone trespassing. Nor had Noah, Jase, or Sawyer phoned or texted Rhys, so this wasn’t pack business.

Sighing, he placed his paperback face down, using the couch as a bookmark. On bare feet, he padded to the front door and wrapped his fingers around the door handle as a shadow rippled past the window. He raised his chin to sniff the air and slumped at the familiar scent.

Whipping the door open, he faced Willow, Noah’s younger sister.

“Rhys, you scared me.” She pressed her hand to her heaving bosom.

He doubted that. Shifters didn’t startle easily with their heightened senses. In a tight skirt and a transparent blouse, her reasons for being there must have dampened her senses. She should have sniffed his proximity through the door.

“What are you doing here, Will?” He spun on a heel and picked up the T-shirt he had slung over the back of the couch, donning it under her vigilant gaze.

She scented of arousal, wafting off her in pale peach and sky-blue, hinting at her nervousness. He grimaced at the impending conversation. Flexing his alpha, he pulsed power, adding to her anxiety. She stiffened with her fingers plucking the hem of her shirt.

“I…” She paused, leaning against the door frame, almost as if she second-guessed her reasons for being there.