“What for? You can’t trust Darius to do a good job?”
“I wanted to taste your infamous blood. Rumor has it you’re a myth. As usual, rumors are unreliable.” He waved a hand, and the room filled with furniture, antiques, lush carpets, lined bookshelves, and candlelight. “I will keep you alive for a little longer. Your disrespect is refreshing…for now.”
“Don’t do me any favors.” She wasn’t willing to admit that the bed did look inviting.
Hesitating, she chewed on her lip, weighing her options. A sharp tug from her stomach reminded her what was important here. She didn’t want any more favors from him but needed to keep her strength up. “But if you’re offering, how about a steak, a baked potato, and a green salad?”
Gabe was coming—it was her duty to be alive when he did.
A plate appeared on the Queen Anne table, along with a fresh bottle of water. Chargrilled steak perfumed the air, and her mouth watered in anticipation.
“Thank you.” Her words were sincere this time.
She pulled out the chair and sat, taking a deep breath. “Your name? Or should I be calling you master? Sire? Boss man? Oh-captain-my-captain?” She sliced a chunk of steak off and shoved it into her mouth, not caring that her manners were not at their finest. She was starving due to this idiot’s shenanigans. The steak was soft, done to perfection, and melted on her tongue. She moaned and fluttered her eyes closed in bliss.
“Stavros.” He flashed her a—surprisingly—genuine smile.
And she could envision the young attractive man he’d been before he’d sold his soul to an evil she hunted daily. He’d given his name with arrogance, as if revealing it would cost him nothing. Identifying him was all she needed to investigate further.
“So you’re not going to share why you took me? None of what you’ve said makes sense. Vendetta with the de Winters? Or with Gabe?” She needed to get this man talking, to gain clues, anything to help her escape.
“My fiancé.” She wrapped her lips around a forkful of steak.
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught his head jerking up, and he scowled. The terrifying man who had entered her cell was back. Darkness reformed around him, and she nodded. As per her initial assessment, he was evil personified. They said Satan could be charming, charismatic, and if Stavros was his emissary, she’d believe it.
“How did they…?” He glared and advanced toward her. His head jerked again, and this time she heard it too. Footsteps on wood. “I’ve placed an ancient containment rune on this cell. They cannot find you.” He dissolved into mist and left through the door’s keyhole.
She gaped at the spot where he’d been a second ago. What the fuck? She hadn’t known suckbloods could do that…whatever that was.
George scampered from under the bed and up onto the table.
“Oh, so now you show yourself?” She cut pieces from her steak and potato and placed it on the polished wooden surface for George to nibble on. “Welcome back, buddy.”
As they ate, she listened for movement. The earlier footsteps had faded. She scooped up the second bottle of water, pressed her palm onto the wood so George could climb on, and moved to the bed. She placed him on the pillow and sprawled alongside him, not caring that her boots might ruin the covers.
“It seems my death is imminent, George.” Her eyelids drooped now that her stomach was full. Lassitude called to her.
As she drifted on the edge, she sent another plea, hoping Leo could hear her.
It’s about damn time, Callie. Gabe’s gone insane. It’s taking all my power to keep him calm. Where the fuck are you?His voice penetrated her mind, loud and angry.
She winced at his sharp piercing words, even though concern saturated his tone.
In a cellar, Leo. I can’t say where exactly, or what’s above me. How…how long has it been?
A day, at the most. Can you hear or smell anything that could guide us?
At his question, she squeezed her eyes shut and focused her hearing, having not thought to do so. She didn’t castigate herself for not knowing, since she’d been a human until yesterday.I can hear church bells and a play school.She paused to listen. A nightclub and a mosque.
Smear your blood across the symbol to strengthen it. I’ll let Gabe know.
Warm tears welled in her eyes.Don’t leave me, please, Leo.
Keep your mind open, sweetheart. You’re shutting me out.
She groaned.I’m sorry, I don’t know how…