Page 56 of The Huntress

Callie sauntered toward her car and sank into the front seat. She closed the door, and Barrows reversed. Gabe followed, hovering at a constant ten meters above their car.

“I wanted to tell you that while you were taking a leisure dip in the bay, I trailed the two beasts. It ain’t good, Callie.” Barrows raised his cell to ear level as a recording played.

“Did the smug bastard take the package?”A man’s gruff voice came from the recording.

“Yup, with no questions asked.”This man sounded younger, his tone submissive.

The gruff man barked out a manic laugh.“He doesn’t have a clue, does he?”

The question was rhetoric, but the younger man responded.“Not a clue. He thinks he’s powerful. That we can’t blindside or challenge him.”

Gabe frowned. What was the point of this conversation? Impatience had him tapping a rhythm on his thigh.

“I’m glad the fuckin’ mind reader wasn’t there with him. That might have thrown this plan for a loop.”Gruff-man chuckled.

Gabe tilted his head, focusing his hearing. Mind reader? That had to be Leo. The only person he spent any significant time with was Syl.

The younger man cleared his throat.“The bastard was all alone except for some crazed cop. She snatched the package.”

Silence lingered for a minute. Gabe froze as well, his breath hitching. Did he mean Callie? How many crazed female cops could there be?

“What?”the gruff man roared.

Shuffling and stomping accompanied his fury.

“Relax. We played our part as we promised the Phoenix. Besides, the vamp was furious with the woman, not us. He’ll get it from her. Y’know, I almost pity her.”

Gabe nodded. They were talking about the canister, Syl and Callie’s involvement.

“I want you to make sure he got it! Do you hear me?”The man paused, and Gabe assumed he waited for the younger man to nod.“Damn it. All this jeopardized by some bitch on the force. Those blood-crazed bastards need to start testing that chemical.”

“Shit!” Worry filled Callie’s voice. “Send me that please, Barrows.”

“You’re choosing sides,” Mike grumbled.

“I chose last night. You and pops raised me to be a woman of my word. It’s all I have left of him, Mike.”

“You’re forcing me to choose too,” he said.

Gabe’s phone vibrated with an incoming message. Heat exploded in his chest, snatching his breath at her name on the screen warning him. She’d chosen him. Again.

He sent the message to Leo and returned his focus to Callie, wishing she was in his arms.

“That’s your choice.” She wiped at her cheek before forcing a smile. “If you need a wingman, I can so do that for you, Mike.” She sounded determined to change the subject.

The silence thickened before Mike cleared his throat. “Are you implying I’m unable to secure my own date?”

“Crap, I must be getting rusty. Did I come across as implying?” At her aghast tone, Gabe chuckled.

“So damn sassy,” Barrows grumbled.

“You say that like you’re surprised. Whenhaven’tI been sassy?” There was curiosity in her voice.

“Every time someone shot me.” His tone turned serious, as if this was something he’d kept from her—his true feelings surfaced over the events that had led to his injuries.

“You want me sassy under fire?” Shock pitched her voice. “I long for the days of old when we could deport your sorry ass.” She half-meant it, but her attempt at brevity fell flat.

“Huh? I’m good, old-fashioned American. Your Irish butt would be the first to go.”