He pricked a finger with his sharp teeth, squeezing to draw a drop of blood. He licked it and gaped. “Caramel.”
A rumble ran through the crowd, and with it came betrayal. She was Gabe’s ready-meal and fuckbuddy. Pain constricted her chest, piercing her heart with unerring accuracy.
Syl glanced at Gabe, and the expression had her panicking. “Do you think…?”
Gabe had said they couldn’t taste salt or sweet from other foods and only savory from blood. She leaned into him to whisper. He dipped his head to her level, and her lips brushed his earlobe. A tremor raked through him, but she ignored it when anger consumed her current mood. No one liked to be used.
“Is that why you want me? You said I wasn’t your feeder.” She grimaced, her voice revealing her turmoil.
She couldn’t school her features, hurt and angry with herself he’d lied to her, and she’d lapped it up. She’d trusted him, believed every seductive word dripping from his sensual mouth. How naïve could she be? So gullible?
Like someone as good-looking at Gabe would likeherfor something more than food? A detective? A human? She complicated his life just by being who she was. Why would he take on such a nuisance?
He didn’t answer her. Instead, he studied her face. What he saw she didn’t know. A feeling of entrapment swirled in the pit of her stomach, overriding the peace she’d experienced seconds ago.
Could she run from him, find Val, and escape this place? Were there side effects to conversion, like losing one’s memories? The idea of Val seeing Callie as food gripped her. Shit, she wassoin trouble here.
Valerie is safe,the voice said.
Get. Out. Of. My. Head.She added enough anger in her mental voice to bring heat to her cheeks. She searched the hall for exits. There were a few unguarded, as if they’d never needed to consider preventing someone from leaving.
“No, you mean more to me than the flavor of your blood. Everything in my being wants you.”
Gabe brushed his arousal across her hip, dispelling any doubts about his desire for her. He felt hard, hot, but it could be a ruse. After seeing Syl’s spectacular sexcapade at the mayor’s ball… She shot Gabe a look, implying they’d talk about this later. Once he escorted her to Val, she might make a run for it, especially if his explanation was weak.
She faced Syl again. He offered her a large strawberry. Where he’d gotten it, she didn’t know. With a shrug, she took it and bit into it. Shewashungry. Everyone watched her eat, making her self-conscious as she chewed. After swallowing, she extended her hand to Syl, assuming this was like the coffee incident. He pricked her finger and licked it again. His groan of pleasure was genuine.
“Strawberry! It’s been years…” His hold on her tightened as his gray-eyed gaze traveled her face in delight and confusion.
Oh, shit. Her focus shifted from Syl to Gabe. What now? Why the hell did it matter if she tasted like strawberries?
You smelled delicious that night we met.
Wait. She recognized that voice, that phrase.
Leo? You’re here? Damn it, you suckblood. I could’ve done with a friendly face. So you watched me squirm out of boredom?
She didn’t want to entertain these sycophants. She was here for Val and only Val. Yet now she’d gone and agreed to Gabe claiming her. Fuck. If only she could blame Gabe’s pheromones, she could’ve at least had that excuse. Could she plead insanity?
Syl grinned and released her to slap his brother on the back. “I second your Rite ofAdsumo, Gabriel. She’s worthy of you.”
Gabe’s shoulders relaxed, and she almost followed suit, wanting to burrow into the safety of his arms. Instead, she stiffened her spine and tried to pull her hand out of his. Her word and honor trapped her, but that didn’t mean she had to agree to everything he said and did. She still had free will, didn’t she?
You’re beautiful, Callista. Your honor is precious.
“I don’t approve.” Darius stepped toward them. “I saw her first.”
“Callie, do you accept Darius?” Syl sighed.
She sensed he asked as a formality. “No,” she said, her tone firm.
“There’s your answer, Darius.”
Darius lunged for her. Before he could take a step though, an unseen force snapped his neck. She gasped, her hold tightening on Gabe’s waist. Holy shit! She’d never seen anything like that before. How naïve had she been to go into fights with just her dipped daggers?
“Thank you, Leo,” Syl said as a tall blond-haired man stepped over Darius’s slumped form, a man she recognized.
Leo crossed to Syl and acknowledged his thanks with a nod. “Callie, this is Leo, my advisor. You’ve met before, I believe.”