The need to spread her thighs was new for her. She didn’t know how long she had—whether she’d survive today—and meeting a man hot enough to melt her socks had certain thoughts claiming her focus. Before she died, she wanted to do it at least once, and it would be glorious if it was with him. She could even squeeze in a few more times before her death, if he was willing. He’d had years to master histechnique.
Her breath caught, and she choked on a mouthful of cereal.
Her face burned as she planned how to proposition the man. For the first time in years, she wished she’d taken one of the many offers thrown her way. If she managed to resist the temptation now, she’d find one of those offers. Better a human man than a suckblood. No matter how devastating Gabe was to her senses.
Under Dad’s watch, both her and Val had struggled to find men not scared of him. After his death, Mike had assumed the role of cock-blocker. She sighed, chastising herself for feeling embarrassed at her inexperience. She couldn’t do someone at her precinct, so it had to be a fireman or a bodyguard. She shrugged. If he wasn’t interested, she’d walk away. No harm, no foul.
Gabriel strolled into the kitchen, dressed in low-riding jeans and a tight black T-shirt. In an instant, her mouth dried, and the cereal turned into sawdust. He prepared a pot of coffee as she swallowed the now tasteless cereal because she needed the nourishment.
“You found the cereal.” He flashed her a small smile, enough to curl a lip.
“It’s strange food for a vampire to have,” she said between mouthfuls. “You like coffee?”
“Cereal doesn’t nourish me, but I enjoy the texture regardless. Vampires can only taste bitter flavors. During the conversion, we lose the ability to taste salty or sweet human foods. Only when feeding might we encounter other flavors, and those are on the savory side.”
He took out two mugs and placed them on the table in front of her. He added several packets of sugar and two teaspoons. The coffee aroma permeated the room. She breathed in its tantalizing scent. He placed a filled mug in front of her, to which she added milk and sugar. Taking a sip, she moaned in pleasure when the caramel sweetness coated her tongue.
“I hope they have coffee in heaven,” she said, aware he sat there with his unwavering stare on her. It made her feel awkward. She gripped the cup to hide her trembling fingers. She wondered what he thought when he looked at her like that.
“I hope they have you in heaven.” His chest rose as he fought for breath.
She whipped up her head then glanced away, unable to deal with that much intensity. Heat hurried from her cheeks down her neck, and shyness struck again. She jumped up to take her empty bowl and cup to the sink to hide her awkwardness. While there, she started on the dishes, desperate to hide her reaction but aware of his stare boring into her back.
“You should take a shower while I find you something less provocative to wear.”
How kind of him to offer. She couldn’t visit Val in her bra. Sure, she felt vulnerable, exposed, but more so without her weapons.
She smiled her thanks, hearing the amusement in his voice as she placed the cup on the drying rack. At the sight of his full smile, the cup slipped from her hand. With a curse, she lunged to catch it and sliced her hand on the knife in the drying rack. The sharp burn of the wound had her crying out.
“Callie, it’s okay,” he said, her bleeding hand now cradled in his. He’d used his preternatural speed to reach her—a blur she’d seen from the corner of her eye. “It’s just a mug.”
He leaned forward and licked her cut, dragging his rasping tongue across her palm. Her senses were alight, her nerves on high alert, so much so that his touch curled her toes.
He moaned, and his eyelids fluttered shut—his facial expression was one of pure bliss. He was beautiful to look upon, like an angel raising his face to God’s loving gaze.
“Your blood tastes like caramel,” he rasped in amazement. “From the coffee?” He opened his eyes to meet hers. “What are you, Callie?” He returned his lips to her hand, tasting, licking until he’d healed her wounded palm.
“Gabe.” She drew in a shuddering breath, surprised she’d let him lick her. “Ready to take me to Val?”
He dropped her hand and gestured to her chest. “Perhaps a quick shower?”
She huffed, tugging her hand back to rest on her hips. Sure, her palm tingled as if she held fizzing pop rocks, but he didn’t need to know how he affected her.
“You’re stalling.” She narrowed her gaze as scenarios played out in her mind. Could she take him? That was a hard no. Could she outrun him? To where, the lounge? So, also a no.
She folded her arms across her chest, hoping to hide her nipples tenting her silk bra.
“I’m not.” He scowled. “I don’t want others to see you like this and if you use the soap in the green bottle, it will mask some of your scent. Let’s not create a feeding frenzy when you visit Val.”
All valid points, damn it. She nodded then stilled when he grimaced.
“What?” she asked as he stepped away from her.
“We have visitors.” He brushed a curl off her temple. “I’ll get rid of them. You go shower.” He pushed her toward the kitchen door.
She hesitated, needing to see where the door was. But he waited, watching, and she stumbled to the bathroom before closing its door behind her.
Visitors? She assumed that meant more suckbloods. Trying to eavesdrop, she pressed her ear to the door.