Page 116 of Chasing Headlines

I zeroed in on a couple of open seats at one end of the bar. Cowboy hats with jeans and boots seemed to be the dress code. And we were here in ballcaps, t-shirts and sneakers.

“I think I'm getting old.” Jimenez groaned as he slid into the bar stool next to me. I chuckled. He held up two fingers at the bartender and pointed at something.

“Sucks to be washed up already. Me, I'm just getting started.”

“You were sucking wind like a hoover, pana.” Two bottles of a pale-colored lager slid across the bar surface.

I took a sip from the bottle. Cool liquid, like bubbling relief flowed into my mouth. “Still beat you.”

“My knees hurt being stuck behind that plate for so long. Fuckin Latske. Cheating pindejo bastard.” He spit the words from his mouth, then took a drink.


A smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. “You ever thank your Reporter Chica?”

“She's notmy . . .anything.” I looked at the bottle, turned it around.

“Eh too bad.” Jimenez leaned over the bar, he reached for something. He tossed a laminated menu at me. “Guess Meyers will have his chance after all.” His eyebrows dipped and he smirked.

“Couldn't care less.” I tamped down the strangely sharp pain nudging me in the ribs and took an extra-sized pull at my beer.I can't stand that guy.

“Whatever, man.” Jimenez shook his head.

“She didn’t do me any favors. I wasn't guilty.”

He glanced at me over his shoulder. “Sure seemed like she went out of her way to me.” He dipped his head to the side. “She's ok, you know.”

I shot him a glare.

“Seriously. She and Hilda go back to middle school. She’s ya know, how do you put it in Oklahoman?” He rolled his eyes. “She's 'good people', ya'll.”

“…do you think you can, like Tanner over there, keep rising?”

I scowled and downed the rest of my beer.

“You haven't eaten yet. You wanna slow down?”

“No.” I snarled.

“Ok.” He shrugged and sipped at his lager. “None of my business.”

“Sure as hell is.” I signaled the bartender to bring me another. “You're the one buying.”

Warmth bubbled and fizzed in my chest. The world grew louder, clashing and clanging. Light smeared bright colors in front of my eyes. I squinted, trying to keep the chaos contained.

“I should leave your ass here.”

I stood up and almost fell down. Gravity or something had changed. Pitched me forward. Jimenez grabbed me around the ribs and pulled me upright. I chuckled. My abdominal muscles stung. I laughed some more.

“I'm glad you think this is funny, cabron.” He huffed and growled at me. The world tilted sideways. Such strange angles. Faces changed then blurred together. I walked forever.

I stumbled, fell and tumbled. This place was comfy. Strange vibrations scattered around me, and I laughed. Did I bounce? I heard someone shout through a tunnel. So many voices. I struggled to sit up.

A flash of red, glowing eyes. What the—pain struck light lightning, screaming and fracturing into jagged pieces. I clutched at my head to keep it from breaking apart.

Oozed dripped down my face.I want that hug. . .

She held me in warm arms as the world slid to black.