Page 46 of Chasing Headlines

My stomach turned. I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to eat for a week. I shook my head and decided to retreat to the safety of the locker room. I usually kept some antacids in my first aid kit.

I'd just sat down, already dressed out and ready to go a good thirty minutes before practice started—whenTanny-babyrushed in.Vomit. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes.

“Here. I snagged you a copy,” Meyers said.

I breathed and willed the muscles in my shoulders to relax.

“You deaf or dead?”

I blinked my eyes open. He held out a folded group of papers. “What's this?”

“Article? It's about freshman life and?—”

“No thanks.” I pushed it away.

“It features, well, me—and you. Thought you might like a copy.” He continued to hold the thing out to me.

“Why me?”

“Rivals turned teammates.” He shrugged. “Still remains to be seen. But take it.”

I accepted the pages he pushed at me. The heading on the front read: The Vanquished Sports Journal across the top.That fuckin reporter.

“You look surprised. Weren't you interviewed?”

“I don't do interviews.”

He tilted his head. “Didn't realize you'd hung it up already. Almost seems a shame. Page ten, by the way.”

I slapped it against the bench. “What're you talking about? I'm not done.”

“Well, you're clearly not done being a petulant child. Get over yourself.”

“Get over myself?” The prickle of irritation bit into my spine and spread roots through my system. “Is that your amazing advice, Tanny-baby?”

He grinned. “Just biding my time till your favorite reporter comes around. And she will. Once she realizes that you're not even yesterday’s news. Just a guy who never-had-the-guts.” He turned like he meant to walk away.

My vision sharpened. The room pulsed.

He paused at the end of the row. “She's gonna taste so good.”

Red and black haze swirled around me. It filled the air, clogged my lungs. It grew so thick, I could no longer see.

Blood rushed in my ears.

I leapt to my feet. Anger thrummed through my veins, lightening my body to the point where I could barely feel it.

A hand on my shoulder. My jaw clenched and my fist rose to strike.

“Easy now, 'mano. You don't want to hurt anyone.”

“Yes, I do.”I really really do.

“He's a pinche gilipollas and his day is coming. Don't let him drag you down.”

I seethed through gritted teeth. I needed to hit something. My body screamed, every muscle strung tight to the point of breaking.

“If you hit him, he wins. And you lose. Again.”