“Shouldn't throw it.” I mumbled at Meyers.
“Which one?”
“He hasn't been able to get his breaking ball to stay in the strike zone. He misses high and Kinsley'd better shove it down his throat.”
Meyers grinned.
The Arizona pitcher wound up. Arms up near his head, his leg kicked up and forward. He stretched, arm extending to deliver the pitch. The breaking ball stayed high and outside. Kins swung!
He crushed the ball in a long line drive to left center. Arizona's centerfielder raced back, catching the bounce off the fence. He heaved a throw toward the short stop in shallow center. Azocar trucked through second and headed for third.
The stands jumped and cheered. Eberhardt held Azo at third. Kins rounded first, as if making a break for second, then retreated back to the bag. Triumphant music erupted from the loudspeaker.
Ninety feet. Azocar was ninety feet from tying up this game. With Kinsley on base and only one out against us, this was our time to strike.
Sound echoed in my head. A strange warble. I blinked and everything came back into focus.
Just in time to see the Arizona third baseman jogging backward, stop. He caught the fly ball, forcing Azo and Kinsley to tag up. Chessup was out—our right fielder. He usually carried a hefty bat and heftier batting average, but this pitcher had had his number all night. One pitch, one swing, a second out. I could've clobbered him.Make him pitch to you. Wear him down if nothing else.I sighed.
Galena the DH was up to bat. Man, we couldn't strand our runners here. Not now.
Galena swung on the first pitch. He hit a high chopper to short, and we were out of the eighth.Dammit!
Meyers let out a long breath.
“I think you're done.”
“I think you're a dick.” He grabbed his glove. “I say when I'm done.”
“Don't give me that 'watch me rise' crap again. I will use it against you if you go out there and flub.”
“Then watch this rise.” Meyers held up his middle finger.
“I'd rather watch your MPH rise, but I'm not holding my breath.”
“It'd give you some wicked flow, though man. Really brush it back and away from your pretty boy face.” Jimenez made a show like he had long flowing hair, instead of the Brillo pad that laid on top of his head.
I chuckled.
“Just go play human backstop.” Meyers groused.
“Like a champ.” Jimenez saluted.
I wanted to be out there. I ached to play. Every muscle in my body felt cramped and bored and on edge. I caught a glimpse of Milline bending down again. That nice round rear of hers filling out her yoga pants in ways that made me want to invite her back to my dorm after the game.
Certainly my “girlfriend” should put in regular appearances there? Just in case?
Chapter Forty-Six
Breslin POV
The bottom of the Arizona order had been up to bat. It wasn't a one-two-three inning, but it wasn't far off. Meyers returned looking triumphant, if exhausted. The female trainer on loan from the men's soccer team settled a heat pack on his shoulder and began to wrap it in place.
“Oh man.” Ryles nudged me in the ribs. “Get a load of her.”
I shook my head. The tall brunette's form held an athletic build. Her hair tied up in a ponytail, she wasn't exactly giving Meyersattention. He was paying attention to her, though. She was hot, definitely. Couldn't deny that.
But her sharp, no-nonsense look wasn't nearly as exciting as the mischievous spark that Milline liked to turn my way.Oh hell.