Page 91 of Agony of Our Regret

“Right, so I think it’s going to be...” Luca pursed his lips. “A girl.”

“Nah, it’s a boy.” Gavin pointed at me. “She’s carrying low and only craves salty, savory foods.”

“Since when do you believe in that kind of shit?” Vince laughed.

Gavin shrugged. “Since we decided not to find out, my brain won’t stop going through the possibilities.”

“Don’t tell me you’ve looked up charts and debunked myths,” Sky teased.

“They’re all contradictory when you go through each one, but overall, the results lean toward boy.” Gavin shrugged.

“Ave?” Luca asked. “You’re going to be the tiebreaker.”

I put my hands over my stomach and closed my eyes, pretending like I was taking this very seriously. I hadn’t had strong feelings either way. Some of the books the guys had lying around said moms could instinctively know, but with this being my first, I didn’t believe that. When I really thought about what I wanted Lemon to be, I went back and forth. I wanted a little girl to spoil and be my mini me and help me work on evening out our numbers. Then other times I couldn’t get over the thought of a little boy running around and getting into trouble with his dads. Part of me accepted that I’d always be alone in a house of testosterone.

“I’m not sure.”

They sighed.

“You don’t feel strong either way?” Gavin asked.

“Nope.” I shook my head. “When I try to picture the future and envision Lemon, it’s different each time.”

“Well, once you decide, let me know, and I’ll add it to the pools.” Luca smirked. “I’ve already got some predictions from our parents.”

“What did they say?” I started toward him when Gavin put up his hands. “Before we get distracted, again, let’s discuss why we asked Luca to meet us here.”

“Oh, yeah.” Luca tucked his phone away. “So, things finally came together, and we passed all the evidence to the appropriate governments.”

I blinked and looked around as if one of them could provide more context.

“Have you not been checking your emails today?” Gavin asked.

I shrugged. “I had meetings this morning about the school, then left at lunch.” I wiggled my fingers. “I got manis with your mom.”

“Then this afternoon?”

I glanced toward the bedroom. “I was working here, but got caught up in an inventory sheet Gwen sent me.”

“So, you have no idea what's going on?” Sky was suddenly serious.

“What are you guys talking about?” Vince demanded.

“My vision,” Noah started, as if that would clue us in.

I shook my head.

“You’ve really got to check your emails more regularly,” Luca covered a smirk with his hand.

“You, too.” Gavin pointed at Vince. “I was updating you.”

Vince pulled out his phone. “Oh, I assumed it was spam.”

“You don't read my emails?” Gavin scoffed.

“If it’s important, you text or call me.”

I put up my hands. “How serious can it be if you guys came in and started making gender predictions?”