Page 26 of Agony of Our Regret

Saturday. No using work as an excuse to keep me unavailable.

Not that they’d asked to see me yet. Gavin assured me he would handle that. They would be jet lagged and want to sleep for the day, maybe two. Hopefully, by the time they recovered, I could hide at the office.

“My parents offered to host a dinner on Sunday, nothing formal or sit down, but a chance for everyone to catch up.” Luca didn’t look up.

“Everyone?” I asked.

“Yeah, whoever’s in town.”

“So, Noah and Sky?”

“And Gwen. Her parents. I invited Tyson, but he’s in Phoenix,” Luca continued.

“CeeCee and Steph are staying in Florida,” Gavin added. He hadn’t mentioned that to me.

“When did you talk to them?”

“Just texting this week. Sean and Aaron are around, though, so you might want to let your parents know.” He told Luca, who nodded and pulled out his phone.

The more people, the better. After months apart, seeing Noah and Skyler again around a large group was ideal. They would keep things light and friendly, and I’d have plenty of distractions if needed. I could even get Tessa and Renae to keepan eye out for me and call me over if I get cornered while Luca and Gavin were busy.

This reunion could definitely be worse.

I glanced down at my stomach. A small bump started to show but looked more like bloating. How long before I couldn't hide it? I’d read stories of women popping overnight. Hopefully, that wouldn’t happen to me. Not yet. As long as I didn’t get sick at the party, they would have no reason to suspect anything.

“What is your team doing now that you’re grounded?” Gavin asked Luca, who hadn’t said where he’d been or what he’d been doing while he was gone.

The best I could guess was that it was dangerous and related to the AS.

“We set up remote surveillance in the area. We can still monitor that. I’ll be moving on to something else.” Luca sounded vague.

“Do you often have missions that take you away?” He didn’t tell me about them while I was abroad if they happened.

“Occasionally. We have teams with specialized training, but my ability is an asset they sometimes call on.” He lifted his chin toward Gavin. “Same with him.”

I turned. “You’ve left too?”

Gavin shrugged. “If there is somewhere we need to get into unseen, then they’ll call me.”

“As long as it isn’t too dangerous,” Luca quickly added. “Our abilities are too valuable for the Society to put us at much risk.”

The truth or just an attempt to make me feel better? I couldn’t tell.

“They can use me too. When I’m not getting hit by cars, I’m pretty good at protecting myself.”

The guys exchanged looks, and I forced down a smile. Watching them squirm would be my entertainment for the day.

“Um, well,” Gavin floundered.

“Maybe after you’ve had the baby,” Luca sounded just like his dad, diplomatic yet firm enough to limit argument. He’d be a great leader one day.

I smirked and took another bite of toast.

“Speaking of, when is your next appointment?” Gavin asked, easing us toward a new topic.


“And we’ll be able to find out it’s gender?”