Page 114 of Agony of Our Regret

“Be careful!”Gavin called to Sky, just before he did a front flip off the upstairs balcony and into the pool.

The wave his cannonball caused sent water rushing around the patio. Charlie screamed and cheered from atop Noah’s shoulders, where he stood in the shallow end of the pool.

“How’d I do?” Sky asked her, after popping up in front of them.

“Ten out of ten!” Charlie held up both hands. It had been her dare that had him jumping from the roof, or close enough to it.

The two of them were the reason I saw a gray strand in my hair earlier this week. She’d inherited his lack of fear, and they pushed each other constantly. His dares usually involved the short diving board or a belly flop. For now. I guessed I only had a few years left before she was ready to move on to more exciting feats.

“Burgers are almost ready,” Vince updated from behind the grill.

“When is everyone getting here?” Luca asked while rubbing sunscreen on Theo’s shoulders. Our little boy was four and much more cautious than his sister. He preferred sitting on the stairsand splashing Kevin Bacon, Phil Colins, and Chuck Norris—our three golden retrievers—as they ran around the pool or jumped in to swim with us.

I checked my phone. “Any time now”

“Dadda, when are fireworks?” Theo asked Luca.

“Not for a while. We need to swim and eat and play for a little while before it gets dark,” Luca explained.

Theo nodded and played with his life vest.

Having a day off in the middle of the week was rare, but thanks to the holiday, we were hosting a barbeque with all our families.

“Has anyone seen Savannah’s pacifier?” Gavin scanned the counter of the outdoor kitchen with our fussy six-month-old in his arms.

“There’s one in the bathroom.” Noah pointed to the door off from the main patio.

“Thanks.” Gavin walked away with her as the dogs came running up to me with a ball.

“Who’s going to get it?” I tossed the ball between my hands, riling them up and making them happy stomp. I threw it to the deep end and laughed as they crashed into the water in a race.

We repeated this four more times before Vince announced the food was ready. Renae and Bruce were the first of the grandparents to arrive, and soon after, the rest followed.

Vince handed me a plate with a burger and my favorite chips, then sat down next to me on the lounger. “You look happy.”

I smiled. “I am.”

“So, now’s a good time to ask for something?” His goofy grin pulled at his lips.

I lowered my sunglasses and lifted a brow. “What do you want?”

“Just wondering how you’re feeling about number four?”

I replaced my glasses and looked around. “I guess there’s room for another.”

He jerked, twisting to face me. “Seriously?”

I shrugged a shoulder. “Sure, but it’s Gavin’s turn to pick the name.”

“What?” His brows pulled together.

“Noah picked Kevin, I picked Phil, and Luca picked Chuck, so I think Gavin should name the next one.” I fought back my smile and remained serious.

He blinked.

I bit into my burger to keep from cracking.

“Avalon.” He was still staring. “Babe.”