“Really?” I hadn’t wanted to bring it up before, but I was a little stressed over how we were all going to fit in the apartment and how long it would take before the complaints from our neighbors came in from the crying at all hours.
“Yes, babe. Your home is ready and waiting.”
“It was part of how we kept people from visiting you.” Gavin smirked. “We told them we needed help at home, and they were more than willing to head there. Everyone wanted to help all of us, and once they found out there was a way, more than bringing over meals, they jumped on it.”
“I’m pretty sure we had about fifty people there every day,” Vince added. “The crew I was working with in Santa Fe oversaw things while I was here.”
“So, we’re going to our new house?”
Sky laughed. “We are.”
“She’s more sleep deprived than I thought,” Noah added.
“Yeah, it’s time to take her home and let her rest.” Luca leaned over and kissed the top of Charlotte’s covered head. “I’ll go check with the nurse about getting released.”
He left the room, and Noah went to my bag. “Do you want to shower here again?”
“Absolutely not.” As much as I appreciated the nurses for helping me get through the last few days, I wanted nothing more than to leave and be in my own space, even if it was unfamiliar. “You guys can help me tonight.”
He nodded, pulled out a new set of light blue loungewear, and tossed it to Vince. “Help her change.”
Vince stood and put his hand on my back, helping me sit up before lifting me to stand next to him. His strength was incredibly useful since I couldn’t use my core for several more days. I might get spoiled with him carrying me around.
He helped me change into fresh clothes, and Noah moved behind me to unclip my hair and brush it out before twisting it back up into a claw clip.
“You guys are the best.” I kissed his cheek before moving to the recliner where Sky was still holding Charlie. Using her name felt so natural. It just fit. “How is she?”
“Perfect.” He smiled down at her. “I can’t believe she’s here. Even holding her and seeing her, it feels surreal.”
“I know,” I agreed. “I’m sure it will set in once we’re home.”
“Well, once we adjust to a completely new home that none of us have been in since it was finished.” Gavin rubbed the stubble on his jaw. “This is a lot of change to take on at once.”
“Might as well completely flip our lives upside down all at once.” Noah smirked. “Not like we ever did anything the normal or easy way.”
“Fair,” Vince chuckled. “We have each other, and that’s what matters.”
Luca pushed open the door and revealed a nurse and wheelchair. “Who’s ready to get out of here?”
Our home was stunning.Perfect. Everything we ever could have dreamed.
Not that I saw much of it aside from the quick tour when we first arrived two days ago.
If I wasn’t in our bedroom, I was in the kitchen. It was large, open, and updated while still being comfortable and welcoming.
I loved it.
Our family and friends stuffed the fridge and freezer with meals to throw in the oven or microwave, so we wouldn’t have to think about cooking for a few weeks. The nursery was set up and decorated better than I could have imagined, not that I was ready for Charlie to sleep in there yet.
After spending so much time putting our home together and decorating, our parents had given us space until now, not wanting to overwhelm us. Today, though, they were coming, and I was excited rather than stressed.
I knew they couldn’t wait to meet our baby and see how the six of us were doing. They offered to come in shifts, so it wasn’t too much all at once. We assured them we wanted them all here. Plus, there was no way we could decide who could come first.
“Ready?” Gavin kissed my cheek as I dried another bottle.
“Yes.” I grinned and handed him a towel to help me catch up. For such a tiny human, Charlie went through everything she needed like we brought home four babies. Despite having an entire cabinet dedicated to bottles, we were always running low.