Vince ran straight at Beth, “You traitor!”
I tensed, ready to stretch my shield to push him back, but Luca caught him. “Don’t man. She’s not worth it.”
“People’s lives have been destroyed because of her!” Vince roared.
“We know, but you can’t be the one to get justice,” Luca gripped his shoulders and forced him to take a step back. “Let the proper authorities take care of her.”
I could practically see smoke coming from Vince’s ears but he listened and stayed just out of reach.
“I’ve got her, Vince,” I reassured him.
“Are you okay?” Sky looked me over while I nodded. He kissed my cheek and moved to stand guard in front of Beth with Vince while Noah and Gavin stayed near me and Gwen.
The elevator doors opened again and three men I recognized from the security team stepped in, their eyes locked on Beth. They surrounded her, the one in the middle finally spoke. “You’ve betrayed your people.” His voice was harsh and full of anger. “This will not be forgiven.”
The man to his right held up his hand to reach for her and I lowered my shield so he could turn her around and cuff her wrists.
They took over, thanking us, as Wes and Stanley arrived.
Gwen and I sat down at the nearest desks while going over what happened before Luca joined to repeat what he heard, and the betrayal and hurt finally sunk in.
One of our own, someone I knew, set out to harm the people I cared about most in the world. I was never so grateful to be surrounded by other people that could take charge. I put my hand over my bump and relaxed at the gentle press against my palm.
“It’s time.”
I stared back at Dr. Gracie, not sure I understood.
“Finally,” Gavin cheered and squeezed my hand.
“I don’t want to risk you going naturally since the placenta hasn’t moved, so we’ll get this baby out tonight.”
“Tonight?” My voice squeaked. I’d spent the last week with my feet up, trapped in bed by the guys, their parents, and what felt like the whole world hovering. As ready as I’d been for the baby to debut, bed rest cranked it up a thousand notches.
Discovering and detaining Beth had been more excitement than the guys could handle. After they arrived, and our security guards showed up, she was taken away. Last I heard she was facing criminal charges and Gavin’s team was undoing the damage she caused.
We thought we were in the clear after the AS’s take down, but Beth was loyal to them and wanted to keep the few remaining free members as much information as she could to help them continue to attack Society members.
She was the unauthorized user trying to hack into the systems.
Fortunately, for us, she wasn’t skilled or trained. Just a delusional, desperate woman set on making us pay for wasting so much time and money protecting teenagers.
With that behind us, all I had to focus on was keeping Lemon inside me, safe and healthy.
But it was go time, I was freaking out and couldn’t beg for one more night.
“Yes, go home and get your bag, and plan on staying in the hospital for up to four days.” Dr. Gracie offered a reassuring smile.
“Yes, we’ll release you sooner if you and the baby are doing well, but if there are any complications, you may stay four days or longer.”
That wasn’t a part of the plan.
“Are you just going to repeat the last word she says?” Vince teased.
I shook my head. “I thought we had another week.”