Page 51 of My Best Bet

He mock-gasped. “You’re gonna hurt my feelings, Mer Bear.”

“No,” I laughed, “I mean, you’re… you’re so much bigger. When did you get these man muscles?”

His face split into a huge grin. “I knew I always liked you,” he said, wagging a finger at me.

“What happened to the mullet? Thought you said you were never cutting it,” I said with a laugh.

“Eh,” he smoothed his hands over his hair, “might come back again for playoffs. Been thinking about it. What do you think of the ‘stache?” He smoothed his fingers over the beginnings of a mustache.

I shook my head at him in amusement, knowing Piper would absolutely roast him for it.

His eyes drifted to the invitation in my hand. “You coming to the party?”

“Oh, I don’t think so.” My face heated up. “I was coming to say thank you, but I don’t think I should–”

“Oh, c’mon Mer Bear.” His troublemaker eyes flashed. “You were never one to back out of a party.” But he must’ve noticed how my shoulders tensed, because then he asked, “Why not? What’s up?”

Swallowing hard, I choked out, “Who’s all going to be there?”

He looked thoughtful for a second. “I think the mini twirl girls,” he gestured to Charlotte and Sophia and their moms, “and myself, Colt, and JP, and probably a couple other guys from the team and their kids. And Hans, pretty sure Lu made him an invitation as well.”

“What about Lucy’s… mom?”

“Oh.” His face fell. “She’s…”

“I’m sorry, this is too weird.” I cringed. “I shouldn’t have asked.” I started walking away, but he quickly caught up to me and held my shoulders.

“No, it’s not weird, Mer. I just feel like it’s not my place to say,” he said with a grimace on his face. “She’s unfortunately not around.”

“Oh.” Now my heart was more confused than ever. “I thought…” I shook my head, immediately feeling bad for Lucy and Colt.

“So, you’ll come?”

“What about…” I cut myself off and closed my eyes. At least it was easier to say this to him than Colt. “Mrs. Conover?”

“Always thought that’d be you,” he said with a wink, rocking back on his heels.

But that wasn’t funny. It hurt.

His face dropped. “No, don’t be upset. I didn't mean that in a mean way. I was just kidding. I didn’t think you’d care. I’m sorry. I really am, Mer Bear.”

I shook my head. “Doesn’t matter.”

He was quiet for a second. “I think it does.”

I rubbed my forehead. “Well, what about his mom?”

He shrugged his large shoulders. “I’m sure she’ll make an appearance, but I’ll run interference. Colt’s place is big, we won’t even see her if you don’t want to. C’mon, it’ll mean a lot to Lu. She’s been…” his eyes cut over to her on the bench with the other girls, “struggling with friends and stuff, and she really likes you.”

My heart squeezed in my chest for her. I knew what that was like. But I also knew what it was like to be saved by the three of them. I was glad she had them in her corner. They made a huge difference in my life, and I hoped they knew that.

I must’ve momentarily lost my mind because I felt myself nodding. “Okay, maybe.”

“Let’s go!” he whisper-yelled, pumping his fist. “Youthink about it,” he patted my head, “AndI’mgonna go get the twirl girl home.” He waved his fingers at me as he jogged back to Lucy and the other girls.

I leaned against the locker room door, watching them for a minute. Kappy made Lucy and the other two girls giggle the whole time he was taking her skates off. Kappy could make any girl laugh– except for my best friend.

When he finished drying her blades, he slung Lucy’s pink skate bag around one big shoulder, then picked up Lu and threw her over his other shoulder to carry her out of the rink.