Page 13 of My Best Bet

Get it over with, Mer. There’s no reason to be nervous. It’s not like you’re skating in a competition right now, you’re just talking, I told myself.

Squaring my shoulders, I walked toward where Lucy ran first. She had the most natural talent and potential in my opinion.

She tugged on a man’s hand, her dad, I assumed. Lucy was on the tiny side for her age, so it was surprising to see that her dad had such a large presence– he had to be at least 6’3, and it wasobvious that he had an impressive build even under the hoodie and jacket combo he was wearing. His dark brown hair fanned out a little under his baseball hat and he carried himself in a way that was all too familiar, good posture, solid thighs, telling me he must’ve been a hockey player at one point– after growing up in a rink, it was easy to pick out. He gave into Lucy’s pull and slowly turned.

My stomach dropped through the floor.

My brain pretty much short-circuited. My body went stock-still, paralyzed in shock, while my heart raced like I’d just been struck by a bolt of lightning.

His dark eyes scanned over me, and he rubbed his scruff-covered jaw, giving nothing away.

“Meredith Bennet,” he said in a voice like gravel, his jaw clenching.

Everything I was about to say fell right out of my mind and it felt like I lost the ability to breathe.How? Why? What?

“Her name is Coach Mer,” Lucy quietly corrected him with a smile.

Her little voice snapped me out of my trance.

I closed my dry-as-hell mouth and forced a swallow. I knew what I was supposed to be saying, but questions bombarded my brain.

What the hell was Colt doing here?

Colt had achild?


Well, I guess five years ago…

Who was the mother?

Oh fuck.

Colt got married.

Why did knowing that hurt so bad?

It would be dumb to think he was single. He was handsome. An NHL player. In his thirties. Why wouldn’t he move on?

But howcouldhe move on?

BecauseIcouldn’t,a small voice in my heart cried out.

“Did you see my spin?!” Lucy asked, practically bouncing up and down with excitement. “Coach Mer says I’m a natural!”

Get it the fuck together, Meredith,I internally screamed at myself.You need students. You need this job.

“Lucyisa natural,” I forced out as professionally as I could. “If she wants private lessons, which she’s an excellent candidate for, you could talk with the front office, and…”

Except Colt wasn’t listening to me. He was holding the brim of his hat and reaching inside the back pocket of his jeans.

I stole the opportunity to quickly study him as he pulled out his wallet.

I hadn’t seen him in, what…a decade?Not since I was a 21-year-old gunning for the Olympics.

He was still so familiar, but sonot.

Part of me desperately wanted to reach out and hug him, fall into him, breathe in his warmth. His strong arms would come around me and anchor me, just like they used to. I could relax. With him holding me, the world would stop spinning and I could give up for a minute.