Page 39 of My Best Bet

And now I was stuck.

Because Hans had a point: Mer would be the best figure skating coach for Lucy.

I stood there rubbing my jaw, still not ready to let go of the last of my anger. “You should’ve told me.”

He was back to his usual shrugging instead of using words, and that infuriated me. I paced the pro-shop because I couldn’t think straight.

“Did you tell her?” I demanded.

He just shrugged again.

No.He didn’t tell her either. She looked shocked when she saw me. She was caught off guard the same way I was. Well, it was probably worse for her. I had time to digest it while they were skating. She only had a couple seconds. I saw her genuine shock. Her body practically shook while she tugged at her collar.


Imade her nervous.

And then I threw that money at her.

I squeezed my eyes shut. When I faced her on Friday, I was only thinking of the version of her that broke my heart. And maybe I wanted to punish her. Maybe I wanted her to feel even a fraction of the hurt that she put me through all those years ago. But now I regretted that move. I shouldn't have done that.Because the version of her that broke my heart… it didn’t match up with the girl I fell in love with. It didn’t match up withher.

“You shouldn't have done that,” Hans said, echoing my thoughts.

“Done what?” I played dumb.

“Whatever it is that made her cry,” he dropped in a thick voice.

My spine stiffened.I didn’t make her cry… Did I?

He gave me a sharp look. “Look at security footage if you want.”

Fuck.I didn’t want to. Not at all. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

“She’s just trying to do a job. That’s all,” Hans said. “Maybe you’re getting a little too big for your britches if you’re going after someone’s livelihood the way you did.”

I grit my teeth. I hated feeling like an asshole.

“Why are you so angry with me?” Hans asked suddenly.

“Why?” I asked incredulously.Was he serious?

“Yes. Why?”

I flung an arm out his way. “Because you just made me stand face to face with–” I stopped myself before I said something stupid likethe love of my life.

“With?” he calmly asked.

“With Mer.” I dropped my hand.

“Mmm,” was all he said, but a knowing grin tugged at his old mouth. “Maybe you should figure out why you’re so angry withher.”

“Oh I know why I’m angry at her,” I said tersely. “She chose him over me. She threw what we had in the trash and never looked back, Hans.”

“Isthatwhat happened now?” he muttered in a patronizing way. “And where is he?” he asked, glaring at me.

“Who the fuck knows!” I shouted, then immediately regretted it. “Who knows,” I said in a calmer tone.

He shook his head in disappointment. “I think you have some things wrong, son,” he muttered.