“No.” I shook my head. “At fucking Andy. Your coaches.”Me.Everyone who let her get to this point. “I want to stay, but I need to…” I couldn’t even get the words out because my brain was so muddled.
She wrapped her frail arms around herself. “You’re n-not staying?”
“I want to.” I sucked in my top lip. “But I need to be on a plane tomorrow at 5am.” My eyes slowly met hers. Shock registered on her face.
“What? Why?” she whispered.
My jaw clenched. “I got called up.”
This should’ve been a happy night. We should’ve been celebrating. But I was terrified of leaving her here. My mind was at war with itself. I needed to be on that plane tomorrow because it's what I’d worked for my whole life. But Mer… She needed help.
“Okay.” Tears filled her eyes. “When are you coming back?”
“I don’t know.” I rubbed a hand down my face. “I don’t know how long they’ll want me.”
“Okay… I…” Her shoulders shook with silent tears. “How do I make this better? I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” She wiped her face and hugged herself, looking so small and hurt that it fucking gutted me. “I don’t know how to make this better,” she said desperately.
Pulling her into me, I put my forehead to hers. “You take care of yourself, baby.” I kissed her hair. “Tell me to stay and I’ll stay.”
She cried harder in my arms, balling my shirt in her fists. “I can’t. I can’t do that to you.” Her body shook. “You have to go. I want you to go.”
I took her mouth with mine and kissed her, tasting our tears. It was a selfish move. Because I knew she wouldn’t want to kiss me again after the next thing I told her.
It was going to break us. That’s why it hurt so fucking bad. But I didn't have a choice. I finally did what I should’ve done a long time ago.
I had to believe that she’d eventually realize why I did it. She’d realize it was because I loved her so damn much.
I would take the hit. Our relationship would take the hit. To save her.
“Hey baby.” My voice cracked. My eyes stung. But I had to get this out.
She leaned her head against my chest. “Hmm?”
“I called your parents.”
The apartment went deathly quiet. Her body stilled, like she wasn’t sure she heard me right. She pulled back and stared up at me, her sky eyes glassy.
“You need help, okay?” I spoke as gently as I could.
Her eyes darted over my face, trying to piece together what I was saying.
“I called your parents. I told them everything. I told your mom that you need help. She’s coming here as soon as I leave. You–”
She slapped me.
Shocked silence hung between us.
My cheek stung. I angled my jaw to the side, letting it absorb. My heart died a little in my chest.
She hit me, slapped my chest, shoved me, screamed at me. She hated me. She regretted me. She never wanted to see me again.
Closing my eyes, I tried to block it all out and take her pain.
If she needed me to be the bad guy, so be it. I’d be it to save her.
When I opened my eyes again, tears were streaming down her face.
She shoved my chest one last time before I gently grabbed her wrists.