“Everything’s good, just surprised it’s been so quiet this trip,” she mused as her mom’s attention slid back to them.
“Are you all wanting to do anything special in the morning or for lunch before the ceremony?” she questioned.
“I don’t think so. We’ll probably just do something by ourselves. Last thing I want is to get into an argument and upsetthe day,” Lisa said, and her mom gave her a smile sending her brow upward.
“If you’re referring to Colin, you don’t need to worry about him. We fired him back in February,” her mom explained surprising her. “He wasn’t happy to learn that you and Corey were still together and said a few things that were extremely uncouth, and we let him go.”
“I guess that’s one thing to be grateful for,” Lisa stated, leaning back into Corey’s hold further. “Sounds like things might go even smoother than expected tomorrow.”
“It’ll be perfect,” Corey assured her, and the next evening as Judge Henry announced them as man and wife, it was even better than perfect. It was everything she’d ever secretly dreamt of and so much more.
“So, how does it feel to be a married woman?” Jackie teased her after dinner as her parents mingled with the crowd.
“Amazing,” she said grinning at Abby and Jazz as they moved around the dance floor with David and Corey. “Now, what’s up with these vibes I’m getting from you and David, hmm?”
“It’s nothing…I mean, he’s cute for sure and Jazz is pretty awesome, but they live in Chicago.”
“Well, so do I, and Corey’s said he’s more than willing to move at least his office there, so we don’t have to move back, and truth be told, we’re liking Chicago more than we ever liked LA or New York. With you and Dan over, what’s keeping you there? You could definitely get a job there just as easily and then you’d be near all of us so you could see if this vibe with David is something. I’d say you could take over my lease whenever Corey finds a place for us to move to, but honestly, you wouldn’t want to stay there.”
“Why’s that?” Jackie asked as the others headed back their way.
“My neighbors are a little bit out there,” Lisa said as Abby slipped into the chair between them, resting her head on Lisa’s shoulder.
“How so?” Jackie questioned.
“Ugh, I can’t stand them. They’ve been asking Mom to have dinner with them, but just her. We’re definitely not upset that Dad asked if we wanted to stay there or move,” Abby said, thankfully not understanding exactly what their neighbors were interested in, but she nodded at the curious look that Jackie sent her.
“Are you girls ready for bed? It’s getting late and I’m pretty sure someone is ready for some sleep,” Corey stated, and Lisa nodded, glad when Abby and Jazz both easily agreed to it.
She curled up on the bed while Corey went into the bathroom to change out of his suit. By the time he came out, she couldn’t do more than sigh as he slid into the bed next to her, giving her a soft kiss as he pulled her into his arms.
Abby woke them early and Lisa snuggled in with her as they passed out presents. The day was incredible as were the next three that went by before Jackie and David had to get back to work. Abby was sad to see Jazz go, but she didn’t want to leave just yet, letting them enjoy a few more days at the resort.
Lisa laughed as they went into the dining room for New Year’s Eve dinner, but the smile fell as a woman called out to Corey. It only took a few seconds for her to recognize her from last year and she turned further into Corey’s hold as he slid his arm around her, while he settled his other on Abby’s shoulder, keeping her close.
“What are you doing here Donna?” Corey questioned, his jaw tightening when Donna tried to lean forward to kiss him. He took a step back, gently bringing Lisa and Abby with him to keep them away from her.
“Well that’s a rude greeting but to answer your question, I enjoyed my trip here last year so much that I just had to come out again this year,” Donna said giving him a smile before sneering at Lisa.
“Oh come off it, Donna. You hate skiing, the snow, and the cold. You wouldn’t willingly come out here unless you were trying to get close to my brother again,” Josh said coming up behind her. “You’re seriously out of your damn mind if you think my brother would go back to you. Not to mention, you’re a week too late. Corey and Lisa got married on Christmas Eve so you’re definitely out of luck.”
“You can’t be serious, you really married this blonde bimbo? You honestly married some slut you met at your bar? Are you really that stupid?” Donna snapped at him and Lisa chuckled a bit at the outraged look on Ashton’s face as he and Kirby came up behind her.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but yes, Lisa and I got married on Christmas Eve. As far as you’re concerned, we were done over three years ago. I’ve had you trespassed from my company’s offices, my home,andthe bar. I’d have thought that would be enough to show you that I want nothing to do with you. If you’ve gone through all of the money you got in the divorce settlement, that’s your problem. I’m done with you. I have someone in my life that I’m not going to ever give up, especially not for you. So for the last time, go away. Leave me and my family alone,” Corey added.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m a guest here, so if you don’t like it, maybe you should leave,” Donna returned pulling a sigh from Lisa.
“Actually, as of now, you’re no longer a guest of the resort. See, I don’t care much for people that call my sister nasty things and since our familyownsthe place, we can have anyone wewant removed from the premises. Which means, you need to leave,now,” Ashton stated.
“I don’t have any way out of here,” Donna snipped at them.
“That’s not a problem. One of my security will take you to the airport,” Corey offered, smirking when Ashton marched her out of the space. It kept a smile on his lips as the clock slipped closer to midnight and he sat with Lisa on his lap while her friends entertained Abby.
“Happy New Year, my love,” Lisa said as the crowd shouted it out around them.
“Happy New Year, Mrs. Cantwell,” Corey replied, giving her a long, slow kiss before Abby launched herself at them, giving them a hug.
He laughed watching Lisa give her a dozen little kisses as his phone buzzed. The message on it made his jaw tighten, but he kept it from the girls as they finished enjoying the party until he knew they were ready for bed. He walked them back to the house and while Lisa was getting ready for bed, he urged Abby to change and come see her mom instead of the other way around for tonight.